Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The VICE Morning Bulletin

'Justice For Jamar' protestors in Minnesota. Photo via Flickr user Fibonacci Blue

Everything you need to know in the world this morning, curate by VICE.

US News

  • Shooting at Minneapolis Protest
    At least five people have been shot near the north Minneapolis police precinct, the site of protests over the fatal shooting of Jamar Clark. Police said five people are being treated for non-life threatening injuries, but there are no details on a suspect or suspects. —NBC News
  • Ben Carson Apologies
    The GOP presidential candidate apologized for "mistaken references", after claiming to have seen footage of New Jersey Muslims celebrating 9/11. Donald Trump stands by his claims he watched "Arab populations" in New Jersey cheer as the twin towers came down. —The Washington Post
  • Planned Parenthood Sues Texas
    Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit against Texas in federal court in a bid to stop the state from cutting off its Medicaid funding. It contends the Republican-led state's decision was politically motivated because of the organization's work on abortion. —The New York Times
  • State Department Issues Travel Alert
    The US State Department has issued a rare worldwide travel alert, warning travelers of the risk of potential terrorist attacks. The alert states that "ISIL (aka Da'esh), al-Qa'ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions". —USA Today

International NEWS

  • Suicide Belt Dumped
    French police are examining a suspected suicide belt, found in a Paris dustbin by street cleaners. Police are linking the discarded device to Salah Abdeslam, one of the main suspects in the terror attacks, who remains at large. —BBC News
  • Canada To Take 25,000 Refugees
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will today outline his plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees. Although all 10 of Canada's provincial leaders support the aim, security screening criteria could make it difficult to meet the target by the end of the year. —Ottowa Citizen
  • Vatican Five Stand Trial
    Five people are set to go on trial in the Vatican over the leaking of secret documents revealing mismanagement. Two journalists who used the leaked documents face the tribunal today, and could be jailed for up to eight years if convicted. —AP
  • Bomb Attack in Greece
    A bomb exploded outside the Athens office of a Greek business federation, smashing windows but causing no injuries. It is the first attack since leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came to power in January. —Reuters

Killer Mike, big fan of Bernie Sanders. (Photo via Flickr user swimfinfan)

Everything Else

  • Killer Mike Loves Bernie
    Atlanta rapper Killer Mike delivered a heartfelt endorsement of Bernie Sanders after taking the politician to soul food restaurant Busy Bee. "Stay confronting bullshit wherever you turn," said the hip-shop star. —Pitchfork
  • Clock Teenager Wants $15 Million in Damages
    Ahmed Mohamed - the Muslim-American teenager arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school - is demanding $15 million in damages from the city and school district. He also wants an apology. —CNN
  • Hacker Outed as FBI Snitch
    A notorious hacker and anti-Anonymous troll has admitted to being an FBI informant. "What the fuck have I done", tweeted 5hm00p in a series of anguished confessions. —Motherboard
  • Canadian Police Apologize for Freaking Out
    Vancouver police made hysterical warnings about the "senseless overdoses" caused by shatter, a concentrated form of weed. Then they conceded their tweets about overdoses "weren't accurate". —VICE

Done with reading today? That's alright—instead, watch our new film, 'The Cleveland Strangler': The Story of a Brutal Serial Killer and His Forgotten Victims

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