Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Women on a Quest to Orgasm During Their Lucid Dreams

Sara Bramlett achieved her first lucid dream-orgasm last year. She wrote about it on the subreddit devoted to lucid dreaming, where she described the experience as "earth-shattering." She had been dreaming about Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, and then suddenly, they were fucking and she was coming—as real as in her waking life, but with all the fantasy of a dream.

This wasn't just a regular sleep-orgasm, though. Bramlett had manufactured the scenario through a lucid dream: an awareness that you're dreaming while the dream is taking place, where you can exert some control over what happens in the dream. Although many focus on achieving the impossible during their lucid dreams—telekinesis, flying, shapeshifting—Bramlett is not the only woman interested in lucid dream orgasms.

The first officially recorded lucid dream orgasm came from a woman named Beverly D'Urso. Her ability to effectively reach lucidity in her dreams made her the perfect muse for Stephen LaBerge, who was studying lucid dreams at Stanford. Throughout the 80s, camera crew after camera crew would travel to the Stanford sleep lab to watch D'Urso—hooked up with about 50 wires to brainwave monitors, which ensured she was actually dreaming—as she performed tasks in her sleep. The body is largely paralyzed during deep sleep, but D'Urso could move her eyes, which she used to signal that she had started or completed a task in her sleep.

In 1983, working with LaBerge and another scientist, she was hooked up to a vaginal probe and signaled with her eyes that she was going to attempt to have an in-dream orgasm. In her dream, she later said, she floated over the Stanford campus, saw a man wearing a blue suit, tapped him on the shoulders, and they had sex right there in the walkway.

D'Urso has largely moved beyond lucid dream sex now—she's in a seminary program, where she's focusing on the belief that life, itself, is a dream—but other women have picked up where her research left off.

Beverly D'Urso once described having sex with The Earth in a dream, as she "flew at its edge, one leg dragging into the dirt."

Krista Blackwell, a 27-year-old in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, has been lucid dreaming for about a decade. She's developed techniques like staring intensely at her dream hands to improve lucidity during a dream, and she's recorded her experiences (both sexual and non-sexual) on Dream Views, a forum for lucid dreamers.

"As soon as I stepped into the door and things went black, I felt this warmth overlaying my body, like a soft, comfy, warm blanket being draped over me," she wrote describing a dream in 2012. "I've felt that when meditating before, but never in dreams. I was then in a room that looked similar to my grandparents' old, old house, with this tall chair in the middle of it. I sat on the chair, and for some reason, started to grind on it? I then had an intense orgasm, and woke up."

Most of the time, she said, the orgasms are a result of something sexual—but sometimes they come out of the blue. D'Urso once described having sex with The Earth in a dream, as she "flew at its edge, one leg dragging into the dirt."

Sometimes Blackwell has sex with an imaginary dream partner; sometimes it's with someone she knows from her waking life. She says the situations are rarely abnormal, but the orgasm itself feels different.

" stories. Maybe I met somebody under an octopus, or at a temple on another planet... It really doesn't matter, does it? It's what you felt."

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