Monday, August 26, 2019

Weekly Horoscope: August 26 - September 1

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On Monday, Venus harmonizes with Uranus at 11:37 AM, allowing us to accept irregular relationships and aesthetics. Uranus wants to try something different, so getting experimental with Venusian themes like money, love, and beauty will flow smoothly—people are thinking outside of the box!

Then on Wednesday, August 28, Mars connects with Uranus at 6:51 AM, so getting active and doing these weird funky things is encouraged. It’s not just optics—we’re following through with praxis. Whenever Mars and Uranus mingle, there is the possibility of accidents happening, so if you’re trying to get your aggression out, do it in a controlled environment. Be careful out there!

The planet of communication, Mercury, goes home to detail-oriented Virgo on Thursday, August 29 at 3:48 AM. While Mercury is in Virgo, we can really get down to the nuts and bolts of how, why, and what we’re doing—whatever that may mean for you! The sun also harmonizes with Uranus on Thursday evening at 11:13 PM. We feel a push toward doing something liberating, and we have the mental capacity to explain why. Although it has a reputation for being different just for the sake of being different, rebellious Uranus loves newness, trying stuff out, and being future-thinking.

There’s a new moon in Virgo at 6:37 AM on Friday, August 30, the start of a new lunar cycle, or "moon-th", if you will—Virgo season has truly arrived! This is a new beginning (or ending, depending on how you look at it), but we’re doing something totally different and our eyes are on the future. This new moon also harmonizes with Uranus, so we’re embarking off the beaten path.

On Sunday, September 1, messenger Mercury becomes the fourth planet to make a harmonious connection with Uranus in Taurus this week! Communication styles will be switching up and evolving—approach everything with an open mind and words, and resolutions will be found.

It may seem like everything is edgy or reactionary, but this flurry of cosmic activity takes place in grounded earth signs, which deal with the material world. We’re using our higher minds for more than thinking, finding ways to manifest our ideas in a physical sense. While Uranus can be an impractical planet, we do get some help from serious Saturn. We can be thoughtful about things and figure out a game plan. Venus, the planet of love, harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn in Capricorn on Saturday, and our commitments are solidified.

All times ET.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Are you OK, Virgo? There is so much happening right now. Your season started out with a bang, and now things are changing right in front of you—and they’re changing fast. Every planet that’s currently in your sign harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebellion, opening you up to radical shifts in your immediate environment. Things are really coming undone so that you can build them back up again. The planet of beauty, Venus, harmonizes with structural Saturn on Sunday, helping you approach these Uranian curveballs with a practical mind and cool poker face. Try to align with your best face during the new moon August 30—you can give yourself a makeover that suits your future self perfectly.


Libra (September 22 - October 23)

There is a lot going on behind the scenes right now, Libra. Things are coming loose; they’re slippery and outside of your control. Virgo season asks that you make peace with things that you can’t see—all you know is what’s in front of you, so please work with that! Air signs can get stuck in their heads with a lot of what-if questions. Stay grounded by approaching life’s unexpected loops with the things and structures you do have, rather than getting stuck on what you don’t have. Spend the new moon on August 30 meditating—it can be the start of a very spiritual month as you get in touch with what is private and unseen.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

We hope your social life is popping off, your inbox is full, and your posts are getting high engagement! Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, is not only the planet of rebellion, but also the planet of technology. With all of these planets occupying your house of social networking and making strong harmonies with futuristic Uranus, you can share your ideas and content in a way that reaches a large audience. The best day to share your art (or whatever you want!) with the world would be Sunday, September 1, when messenger Mercury makes a strong harmony to Uranus. This can also be a cute day to go on a date somewhere new or different, since your relationships are evolving now, too.


Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

Things at work are really changing for you, dear Sagittarius. You’re experiencing a shift in how you approach your daily rituals in order to reach your highest goals and live to your fullest potential. Virgo highlights the tip-top of your chart, the house of fame and legacy, and as all of these planets harmonize with rebellious Uranus, you can approach your work in a new, refreshed way... anything to secure the bag! Money planet Venus creates a strong harmony with taskmaster Saturn, progressing you toward your goals regarding investments or having a structured budget. Try something new when it comes to the flow of your work day or your health.


Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Growth comes in unexpected ways—discipline, creativity, and faith. The new moon in Virgo on August 30 really puts you in a back-to-school mindset, getting your acorns harvested and organized for the winter. This is a good time to make plans for how you want to move into fall, which will bring your career into prominence. Think about your mission statement and elevator pitch, and how you can make it spicy and true to yourself. Get out and explore the world—see what’s out there, Capricorn! You can learn new ideas (and new things about yourself!) just from traveling to or reading about different places. Finding new ways to support yourself is a process. You have the self-discipline to make whatever ideas or innovation come to fruition.


Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)

There are a lot of brilliant changes happening in your life that aren’t necessarily apparent to everyone just yet, but things are moving and transforming in ways that the world isn’t ready to see yet! Virgo is the zodiac sign that overlooks your house of transformation and rebirth, and the new moon in Virgo on August 30 will help you get in touch with things that need to change. It’s a good time to move forward and end something that has to end. You can prune out things in your home, since all of these planets harmonize with Uranus, helping you repurpose things—get creative!


Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

The way that you conceive important relationships in your life is evolving. Virgo season is always about other people for you, Pisces, but this year will have a different flavor. This is because Uranus, the planet of invention and rebellion, will be activated every Virgo season over the next few years. You can understand others and your approach to relationships in new and exciting ways. Maybe you were too focused on making other people happy or your martyr complex was becoming useless, and now you have found a new standard. Your relationships can help you accomplish your dreams, but you have to come correct. Use the new moon in Virgo on August 30 to move forward to this next level in your relationships.


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

There’s a lot happening at work for you this week, Aries! Your daily routine will be changed up, and your role may expand to take on new responsibilities. The new moon in Virgo is a great time to start new habits or leave bad habits behind, to help you be happy, healthy, and productive. All of these planets are harmonizing with rebellious Uranus, so you’re coming up with new and unusual ways to approach your personal resources. These resources are usually money, but money isn’t the only currency! Your relationships with coworkers allow you to build an empire, especially as Venus, planet of love, harmonizes with structural Saturn on Sunday, September 1—a responsible attitude that carries you into next week.


Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

You are evolving as a person, dear Taurus, and it’s grounds for celebration! You’re changing yourself in ways that nobody expected—not even you. Over the next few years of Uranus in Taurus, you’ll continue to break out of your comfort zone, which is a beauty to behold! You deserve to share this electricity with your closest friends and lovers. The new moon in Virgo on August 30 helps you get in touch with what makes you happy and what brings you pleasure in a very real way. You are known to stick to what you know, but you’re more open to experimentation now. As your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn on Sunday, you can commit to your future.


Gemini (May 20 - June 21)

Shifts in your private, personal life are flowing forward. Not everyone can immediately recognize the progress you’re making, but you should be proud of yourself, and so should your family members or roommates. Virgo season is about taking care of your body, health, and home; getting yourself in shape in ways that can help you prepare for the unexpected. There are things that nobody can plan for, but at least the planning gives you some confidence and a feeling of control over your personal life when things seem wily. Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into Virgo, helping you get in touch with your roots.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Renew the lease you have with yourself, or just generally get your paperwork together! This sounds boring, but bureaucracy is simply a fact of life. Virgo season activates your house of communication, writing, paperwork, and local travel (among other things, like siblings). You can find a new approach to your commute thanks to the new moon in Virgo on August 30. You have friends in high places that can help you accomplish your wildest dreams. These planets in Virgo help you work it out and brainstorm new ideas. Write out some lists and maybe consider sharing them with your network. As Venus harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn, commit to others in a way that is practical and healthy.


Leo (July 22 - August 23)

You’re making money moves, Leo! Virgo season activates your house of personal resources, so you’re coming up with new ways to make, spend, save, and invest your resources into things that can contribute to your popularity. A lot of planets are creating a strong harmony to Uranus, a planet that represents the hive mind. The way that you approach your finances can affect the way people see you, especially online. You can invest in your social media presence in a new way that helps boost your career and income. As Venus harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn on Sunday, you see no problem implementing these new plans to your daily routine with grace and discipline.

What's in the stars for you in July? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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