Monday, March 28, 2016

Are Your Porn Habits Racist?

Maps via Pornhub

Among the "creampies," "smoking," and "facesitting" featured in Pornhub's insights into Canadian search habits released earlier this month, a few of the results stuck out. When it came to most searched relative terms amongst Canadian provinces—meaning searches more popular in a single province compared to others—race-related words were rampant, including: "Asian" in BC, "Eskimo" in Nunavut, "Indian" in Ontario, and "Native" in Manitoba.

Is this just multicultural Canada looking for porn featuring performers who look like themselves? Pornhub's own release suggested race-specific searches comparatively came up most in provinces with significant non-white populations. In Manitoba, for example, First Nations people make up over 15 percent of the population.

But sexuality experts VICE spoke to say that the results are more complicated, and could actually show how common sexually fetishizing race may be in Canada.

"It wouldn't be surprising if the searches were coming from people outside the racial group in question," said Patricia Marino, a philosophy professor at University of Waterloo who has studied sexual ethics. "Racial categories reflect the influence of colonialism and imperialism, in which white Europeans created racial categories to justify their mistreatment of others."

In North American society, where most people still identify as white, Marino said, some people might see other races being portrayed in porn as "exciting are encountering more Asian-identified people than in other provinces," Callander said. "That then filters into their sexual fantasies, their experiences with other people in the sexual and dating world, and so then that becomes a part of their fantasy porn life as well."

However complex our sexual desires can be, and for that matter, how heated we can get when someone tries to critique them, it's undeniable that race is a bit more of a complex preference than eye or hair color, height, or body type given the historical context of discrimination and wrongdoing against racialized peoples. Pornography is one place in our society where our preferences—potentially including how some of us feel about race—is magnified. In the porn industry, race is considered such a defining factor that a white female performer can get paid more simply to have sex with a black man.

Sexual inclinations may develop without significant conscious thought or consideration for some, but fetishes surrounding race could be more nuanced. When it comes to something as seemingly innocuous as what kind of porn we seek out, this could indicate how our country's colonial tendencies can bleed into so many parts of our society—even our personal sexual preferences.

Follow Allison Elkin on Twitter.

from VICE
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