Friday, July 29, 2016

That Time Kreayshawn Told a Bunch of Celebrities She Was Will Ferrell's Niece

The fourth episode of our VICELAND show Party Legends—where celebrities tell us their most unforgettable party stories and we animate them—aired on VICELAND Thursday night.

This week we heard some wild stories from actor TJ Miller, rapper Kreayshawn, comedian Erin McGathy, and musicians David Pajo and Marissa Paternoster.

We've recapped our favorite parts of Kreayshawn's story—which involves sneaking into a Hollywood party and having a very loud and abrasive encounter with a big-time actor—for your viewing pleasure in GIFs below.

"What I used to do to explore is take the bus all around LA just to find new things, see new things. I was around Westwood and I saw this commotion and cameras and crowds of people."

"So I get off the bus to see what's going on and I see some guy who's off in the corner. I go up to him and say 'Hey. What's going on?' And he's like, 'I need Michael Strahan's autograph.'

He's freaking out. He's like, 'Get his autograph for me, and I'll get us into the party.' And I'm like, 'What's the party?' He's like, 'Step Brothers premiere party.'

So he hands me this jersey and I run up to him and I'm like, 'Hey! Hey! Sign this! Sign this! Sign this!' just in his face. And he's like, 'All right.' He takes it and he's signing it and hands it back to me. I walk back to the dude and I give it to him. He's like, 'Oh, my God! Oh, my God!' He takes it and he's, like, blowing on it. He was fucking crying.

So he's like, 'I'll take you to get in the party.' So we open the side gate and we go through, and there were these curtains. We looked up the curtain to see if we can just sneak under it, but it's right behind a full bar, so everyone's facing the curtain."

"So we turn around to leave out the gate. But the gate locked us in. So the only way we can get out would be to just get into the party and get caught and kicked out. So we both were like, 'Fuck it. Let's just go for it.'"

"So we both go under the curtain. I'm like, 'Whoa.' I'm just walking around and everyone keeps coming up to me, asking 'Who are you? Who are you?' 'cause I'm standing out like a sore thumb. And I was telling everyone, 'Oh, I'm Will Ferrell's niece.' They're like, 'Oh, okay. Cool. Cool.'

So eventually, after wandering around for a while, I find a group of cool people. And I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think it was Ron Jeremy and Seth Green and Manny from Scarface."

"So we're all hanging out, drinking. And then, they're like, 'Oh, we have to go congratulate Will Ferrell on his movie before we leave.'

We go over to the super VIP area where he is, and they're like, 'Yo, Will. Great movie. Blah, blah, blah.'"

"And Will just looks at me and goes, 'You, you are an asshole!' like, really loud. The whole party's like, 'Whoa. What just happened?' And everyone's looking at me like, 'What did you do to him?'

And he just runs off. He just runs away. He calls me a asshole and runs away from me."

You can catch Party Legends every Thursday at 10:30PM on VICELAND. Find out how to watch here.

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