Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The VICE Morning Bulletin

US News

Democrats Nab Big Wins in Virginia and New Jersey
Ralph Northam was elected governor of Virginia Tuesday night, one of several major victories for Democrats in the state. The party's candidates also came out on top in races for lieutenant governor and attorney general—and won historic gains in the House of Delegates. Outside Virginia, Democrats won total statewide control in New Jersey and a close mayoral race in New Hampshire.—VICE News/VICE News/New York Times

Trump Calls North Korea 'Hell that No Person Deserves'
President Trump railed against Kim Jong Un in front of South Korea's National Assembly Tuesday, accusing Kim of helming "a country ruled as a cult," where "torture, starvation, rape, and murder" occur "on a constant basis." Pundits predict the speech is likely to anger Pyongyang, but Trump seems to be operating under the assumption that it will push the country to rethink its nuclear weapons program.—The Washington Post

US Elects First Openly Transgender State Legislator
Democrat Danica Roem beat a staunchly anti-LGBTQ Republican in an an historic election for Virginia's House of Delegates Tuesday. Her opponent, incumbent Robert Marshall, once referred to himself as Virginia's "chief homophobe" and repeatedly misgendered Roem. "Discrimination is a disqualifier," Roem said Tuesday.—VICE News

International News

Spanish Court Voids Catalonia's Declaration of Independence
After the regional parliament attempted to break free from Spain with a declaration of independence in late October, Spain's Constitutional Court officially annulled the document Wednesday. The push for independence led Spain to sack Catalonia's leader, Carles Puigdemont, who fled the country to Brussels, where he is currently out on bail.—Reuters

Dozens Killed in Yemen Air Strikes, Report Says
A Saudi-led air strike left at least 30 dead in Yemen on Tuesday, with the village of Hiran hit at least 16 times, according to local accounts. A loyalist to the Houthis—the Yemeni rebel group being pursued by the Kingdom and its allies in a vicious campaign—was said to be the target of the bombings.—Al Jazeera

Immense Air Pollution in New Delhi for Third Day in a Row
The Indian city continues to keep schools closed and cancel flights as a dense, toxic fog persists—a combination of car emissions and the smoke of burnt crops, among other sources. Delhi state's chief minister called the city a "gas chamber," and medical experts are warning of a health epidemic. Pollution caused the deaths of an estimated 2.5 million people in India in 2015 alone.—CNN/The New York Times

Everything Else

Wave of Sexual Harassment Complaints Hit BBC
The BBC is currently investigating 25 allegations of sexual harassment, more than it has in years. The network's Deputy Director General Anne Bulford told British Parliament the organization had seen a "spike" in harassment complaints in the wake of the Weinstein scandal.—Variety

Drake Looking to Get Deeper into Film and TV
The pop star said he wanted to get (back) into Hollywood after recently nabbing his first producing credit for the Vince Carter documentary The Carter Effect, and might make a return to acting. "When I get back into acting, I want to do things that make people go, 'Wow, I didn't expect that,'" he said.—The Hollywood Reporter

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