Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sean Spicer's Talk Show Wants to Explore the 'Merits of Making Your Bed'

Sean Spicer has been clamoring to get back on TV ever since he left the White House, trying (and failing) to become a talking head on cable news, turning down a run on Dancing with the Stars, unveiling wax statues, and somehow actually managing to weasel his way into the Emmys. Now it seems Spicey's concocted a new plan to make it back onto the small screen: starting a TV talk show that sounds about as exciting as an infomercial.

According to the New York Times, the show is tentatively titled Sean Spicer’s Common Ground, and it reportedly has a pilot in the works. The Times got ahold of a pitch sheet for the series, which teases that Spicer would be sitting down with "some of the most interesting and thoughtful public figures for a drink and some lite conversation at a local pub or cafe."

"The relaxed atmosphere is an ideal setting for Sean to get to know his guests as they discuss everything from the media to marriage," the pitch sheet reads. "They might even tangle over the merits of making your bed or the value of a great point guard."

Ah, yes, the world's most thrilling subject: making your bed. Just imagine: Sean Spicer and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, perched across from each other at a Starbucks, discussing the finer points of hospital corners and fluffing your pillows. It's dizzying to think of what other electrifying subjects Spicey might get into. Crocheting? Regular visits to the dentist? The importance of tying your shoes?

So far, no network has picked up the riveting, fledgling series yet, but Spicer told the Times he's gearing up for the pilot, set to be filmed this July.

"In this current environment, I think it’s important to have a platform where we can have civil, respectful, and informative discussions on the issues of the day," he said.

"Civil." "Respectful." "Informative." That's an interesting choice of words coming from a guy infamous for yelling at reporters, brazenly lying about basic facts, and, repeatedly failing to demonstrate a baseline understanding of the world, like that time he said Hitler never used chemical weapons. But hey, at least having an unhinged host could make for pretty entertaining TV, right?

We won't know until the pilot drops, if that ever actually happens. The Times reports that it's been backed by a few mavericks in unscripted TV—media companies behind Family Feud and American Choppers—so maybe Spicer actually has a shot at making it back onto our TV screens every day.

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