Monday, August 5, 2019

Here's the Memo Currently Going Viral at Google

Monday, Motherboard published an article about a memo written by a Google employee titled "I’m Not Returning to Google After Maternity Leave, and Here is Why." The memo, which alleges retaliation and discrimination against the author while she was pregnant, has gone viral inside the company over the past week, and has been read by more than 10,000 employees there.

The memo has spurred employees to post memes defending her on an internal message board.

Motherboard has verified the authenticity of the memo, which was originally posted on an internal message board for expecting and new mothers and has since been shared elsewhere. Motherboard has not verified the specific allegations made in the memo. We have published the full text of the memo below, with names and identifying details redacted because we have not been able to confirm the allegations within it. The author of the memo declined to comment for this article.

In a statement, a Google spokesperson said: "We prohibit retaliation in the workplace and publicly share our very clear policy. To make sure that no complaint raised goes unheard at Google, we give employees multiple channels to report concerns, including anonymously, and investigate all allegations of retaliation.”

from VICE
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