Wednesday, August 7, 2019

If Elected President, Bernie Sanders Promises to Tell Us About Aliens

Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said that if he becomes president and learns about aliens, he’ll announce it on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

Sanders spent an hour talking to Rogan Tuesday about his platform for president—universal health care, student loan forgiveness, taking on the billionaire class. But at the end of the show, Rogan asked Sanders if the US government would Come Clean about aliens if elected president:

Rogan: “If you got into the office and you found out something about aliens, if you found out something about UFOs, would you let us know?”
Sanders: “Well I tell you, my wife would demand I let you know.”
Rogan: “Is your wife a UFO nut?”
Sanders: “No, she’s not a UFO nut. She goes, Bernie, ‘What is going on do you know? Do you have any access?’"
Rogan: “You don’t have any access? You’ll let us know though?”
Sanders: “Alright, we’ll announce it on the show. How’s that?”

Sanders hasn’t been particularly outspoken about aliens or UFOs, but it’s a topic Rogan talks about with his guests regularly. In 2017, he had former Blink 182 singer and current UFOlogist Tom DeLonge on his show to talk about aliens, UFOs, and his research outfit, To the Stars Academy. Last month, Congressman Mark Walker demanded that the US Navy tell Congress what it knows about UFOs.

The Joe Rogan Experience is a good, friendly format for Sanders—his podcasts are long, he rarely cuts off his guests, and he has a tendency to let them talk about whatever they want to talk about, which in some cases has allowed bad men to amplify their ideas to his massive audience unchallenged. Tuesday, Sanders handled himself well, calmly laying out his case against the billionaire class, potential political campaign reforms he’d be in favor of, and explaining why, in his view, the United States continues to lag behind the rest of the world on education and healthcare. Without the debate limitations of having to talk in 15-second soundbites, Sanders shone. And hey, now we have a campaign promise.

from VICE
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