Thursday, October 1, 2020

Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, October 2020

The sun is illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your social life, making this a great time to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones, as well as to participate in work toward causes you are passionate about.

Libra is famous for its love of romance, and while you’re certainly in the mood to partner at this time, Sagittarius, you’re not concerned with how many love letters, bouquets, or gifts you’re being showered with—you’re wondering if you and your partners share goals and values. Libra is a cool, intellectual air sign, asking you to take a logical look at where you are in life and ask yourself if you feel supported by the people you’re surrounded by, as well as to consider your hopes and dreams for the future. This is an exciting season for your career, as payoff for all your hard work arrives: How will you invest in your future?

A climax takes place in your love life and in your creative projects during the full moon in fellow fire sign Aries on October 1. Full moons are dramatic and emotional, and in Aries, also impulsive: Bold feelings are expressed, passion is in the air, and confrontations are likely to take place. Love and money planet Venus enters earth sign Virgo on October 2, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation, bringing rewards and recognition your way, and finding you contemplating how your partnerships fit in with your professional goals. Do your partners support your drive and understand the legacy you’re trying to leave?

Business partnerships are also on your mind at this time. If you’re seeking more acknowledgement or more pay, Venus in Virgo is a great time for you to discuss these issues, especially as Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 4, activating the financial sector of your chart, and revealing some resources you previously couldn’t tap into. Jut watch out for unexpected changes in your schedule on October 7 as Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus—surprising news is likely to come on this day. Be careful of short tempers on October 9, as Mars retrograde clashes with Pluto. Think back to August 13, as similar themes may be coming up for you to work with again.

October 10 brings excitement as Venus connects with Uranus: Uranus is all about unpredictability and invention, so this is a fun time for experimentation and novelty. While you’re likely to notice this in your love life, you will probably feel this alignment play out in your work, too, and it’s an exciting time to invest in new projects or take something you’re working on to the next level.

Watch out for an over-the-top energy—especially when it comes to spending money—on October 11, as the sun clashes with Jupiter in Capricorn. Keep your spending in check! A big win may come in, but you must budget it well. One of the highlights of this month is October 12, when your ruling planet Jupiter connects with Neptune in Pisces, making for an especially healing, spiritually connected atmosphere. As dreamy as this sounds, what’s wonderful about this moment is that it’s actually quite grounding for you, helping you discover deeper meanings about everything from your home to your spending habits. Security is a big theme at this time, and Jupiter and Neptune help you create it where you need it most in your life. Also on October 12, Mercury connects with Venus, making for a sweet, chatty atmosphere.

A divisive energy is in the air as the sun opposes Mars retrograde in Aries on October 13. This is a critical moment during Mars retrograde, where we are asked to release a part of our identity that we’ve outgrown. For you, Sagittarius, this will mean a change in your social life and how you approach romantic relationships. Who you are as a parent or mentor, and as a child or friend, is changing. Mercury retrograde begins in Scorpio on October 13, too, finding you in an especially introspective mood, revisiting old ideas and past conversations. Avoid making commitments, signing contracts, making big purchases, or traveling, as you may face delays or misunderstandings. Now is the time to rest. Don’t be surprised if you run into some people from your past, too! Forgotten secrets and hidden mysteries are explored.

The sun clashes with Pluto on October 15, making for a highly intense atmosphere: Watch out for power struggles, especially concerning money. But the new moon in Libra on October 16 helps you wipe the slate clean, especially in your social life, finding you in a new friend group and encouraging you to dream up a new vision for the future. This is a lovely time to create a vision board! October 18 brings up sensitivities as the sun clashes with Saturn and Venus opposes Neptune: You may not have the funds you need to finance something special to you, and insecurities at home and in your career find you feeling lost or disappointed.

The mood changes quickly as Mars and Venus align with your ruling planet Jupiter on October 19, kicking up a competitive atmosphere that may find you eagerly making moves to get what you want, as well as enjoying plenty of luck. Things that felt impossible yesterday suddenly don’t seem like a very big deal—there are just so many possibilities for you to explore! Plus, surprising news comes as Mercury opposes Uranus on October 19, bringing an unexpected change in your schedule. While you love a change in routine, do keep your plans flexible, dear centaur.

Venus connects with Pluto on October 21, bringing exciting opportunities, rewards, and gifts your way. If you’ve been considering asking for a raise or increasing your rate, this is a powerful time to do so. Your focus turns from the material to the spiritual as the sun enters Scorpio on October 22, encouraging you to reconnect with your inner voice, meditate, and catch up on quality time alone. This is an important time to rest.

Solid commitments, both in your love life and your finances, are discussed as Venus connects with Saturn on October 24—but remember that Mercury is retrograde, so keep you plans tentative as more information comes to light. This is especially true on October 25, which is a key date during Mercury’s retrograde journey, bringing you an important perspective on something that’s been hidden from you, or about something your inner voice has been trying to tell you but you haven’t been able to make sense of until now. Mercury and Venus enter Libra on October 27, finding you feeling especially charming and popular—this is fantastic for your social life, and it may find you running into people you haven’t been able to connect with since last month.

October 31 brings the full moon in Taurus, and the sun opposes Uranus, finding you releasing an important project into the world, as well as kicking a bad habit or saying goodbye to a gig or routine. The endings that take place may be unexpected, but the freedom that comes with them is worth it—you’re ready to do new things!

Good luck this month, Sagittarius, and see you in November!

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