Tuesday, September 27, 2016

We Talk Trump and Virtual Reality in the First Episode of VICE Gaming’s New Podcast Right Now

Illustration by Stephen Maurice Graham

Ever since Austin and I joined VICE Gaming, the number one question we've heard from readers and fans is whether or not we're starting a podcast. Thankfully, that changes today, with the first (and very rusty) episode of our new twice-weekly gaming podcast.

It's called...uh, we don't know yet! If you have any suggestions, believe me, we're all ears.

This week, we focused on my ongoing lack of sleep, the explosive response to reports that Oculus creator Palmer Luckey has been privately supporting and financing Donald Trump through weird Internet groups, bemoaned the distinct lack of R&B in video games, and more.

In addition to not having a name, the music isn't final, and Austin doesn't even have a proper place to record the show. (Seriously, this morning he spent an hour in VICE's equivalent of a broom closet.) But we didn't want to wait any longer, so the first episode is ready to download. We'll add an iTunes link when it's live there.

The plan is to record on Monday and Friday mornings, so we can track and discuss the full week of gaming, without worrying that we're going to miss a major story. We'd love to stream each episode, allowing people to tune in and submit questions, but we're still working out the tech to make that happen. Stay tuned! Podcast gods willing, that could happen this Friday.

In the meantime, if you have a question, you can submit it to gaming@vice.com with the email header "Questions."Each episode, we'll choose one excellent, insightful question to be the focus of an episode-ending segment.

But wait, doesn't VICE Gaming already have a podcast? That's true! Our UK editor, Mike Diver, has been hosting a monthly podcast for a while, but as VICE Gaming grows, so will our library of podcasts. Mike's podcast isn't going anywhere—there's just more for everyone.

VICE Gaming isn't just a place to write about games. It should be a community for smart, thoughtful people to gather and think critically about the medium. This podcast should be an extension of that. We may be the hosts, but you're the reason it works. Join us?

Follow Patrick Klepek on Twitter, and if you have a news tip you'd like to share, drop him an email.

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