Monday, February 27, 2017

How Gross Is It to Share Your Toothbrush?

Ah, friends. They're like family but cooler. Fully customizable. Fall and one of them will be right there to pick you back up. But as great as friends can be, they also do a lot of really stupid stuff. Stuff that blows your mind. Like, sometimes it seems crazy that you even hang out with people who make such crappy decisions. Stuff that, were it to get out, would be mortifying for anyone with even a shred of self-respect. Lucky for your friends, they've got you to ask their deepest, darkest questions for them. And lucky for you, we started this column to answer those most embarrassing of queries. Couples share stuff. Tacos. A credit card. A fork. A bed. Bodily fluids. But letting your partner borrow your toothbrush? The jury's out. A quick straw poll of friends elicited the following responses: "Ew," "Hell no!" "It depends what she's eaten," and, um, "Are we not supposed to do that?"

The scenario: Your friend's significant other is spending the night, and he's arrived empty-handed. No tacos or toothbrush. She searched the bathroom cabinet for a spare, but crickets. Not even one of those tiny travel toothbrushes that sometimes get handed out on international flights is gathering dust on the top shelf. What does she do? Declare "sharing is caring!" and hand over her own toothbrush? Or insist he goes to bed with fuzzy teeth and just prepare for a wake-up call of seriously nasty morning breath?

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