Thursday, April 27, 2017

Remembering the Whizzinator, America’s Favorite Fake Plastic Penis

Most of the known methods for beating drug tests—flushing your system with fluids, herbal teas, pills, additives, and other home remedies of varying efficacy—mirror the tests themselves. You put something in your system, and then you put something else in your system to conceal it.

Some circumstances, however, demand a more elaborate solution. For observed drug tests, dropping an oxidizer in your sample or emptying a vial of urine taped to the inside of your thigh won't do. You have to fool not only the chemical analysis but also the actual live human being paid to watch you pee.

Enter the Whizzinator, a superlatively ridiculous device briefly made famous by former NFL player Onterrio Smith that operates on an entirely different premise: Rather than work with your existing anatomy, what if you had a new one?

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  1. Extremely Instructive Details About whizzinator

    Many of the people utilize a device referred to as whizzinator for conquering the drug tests, and it is a fake male organ that you can acquire in numerous tones, such as brown, white, black, Latino, and much more. The whizzinator kit is available at reasonable prices, and there are many significant goods that you will obtain in the kit. When you check out this specific site, you'll get much more information relating to the synthetic urine for sale.

  2. Some Specifics Relating to The whizzinator, Persons receive several advantages through the use of The whizzinator touch kit, plus they can overcome the urination tests effectively by making use of the kit. The fake dick can be implemented by people with the aid of a lot of necessary items, including, heat pads, syringe, Fake pee, belt, and a lot more. To understand the direction of The whizzinator, folks can check out this specific synthetic urine reviews 2021.
