Tuesday, February 6, 2018

This Congressman Had to Wear an Eagles Helmet to Work Because He Lost a Bet

The Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots on Sunday night, securing their first-ever Super Bowl win and sending the entire City of Brotherly Love into complete pandemonium. But not everyone celebrated by running the streets naked or eating horse poop off the ground. One congressman reveled in his home team's victory by going to work, sitting back, and enjoying the humiliation his colleague had to suffer through—sporting a full Eagles helmet on Capitol Hill.

According to CBS Philly, Michael Capuano, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, showed up to the Hill on Tuesday wearing the headgear after losing a bet to Pennsylvania representative Bob Brady. He even sat through a House Financial Services Committee hearing with the thing on.

The bet was probably something Brady, a ten-term congressman, has been waiting to win since he was forced to put on a New England helmet when the Eagles lost to the Patriots in 2005, the Boston Globe reports. Still, Capuano, unlike maybe everyone else in Boston, seemed pretty chill about the whole thing—copping to the loss on Instagram, understandably eager for baseball season. And, while the Eagles regalia might have made some people on the Hill take a double take, it's certainly not the strangest thing a lawmaker has brought to work.

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