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We love Libra season, but so many planets are clashing with two of the most intense planets of the zodiac: Pluto and Saturn! These clashes light a fire under our asses to be proactive and actually respond to our passions and insecurities (Plutonian behaviors run very deep!). Essentially, this Libra season finds us making changes to address imbalances in power, and (since Libra is the sign of justice) injustices. Aesthetic Venus clashes with power planet Pluto on Tuesday, October 1, which can be sexy depending on who you ask! This could also point to a change in personal values. Venus isn’t just perfume and jewelry, it also rules values!
Shady shenanigans abound as the planet of secrets, Pluto, ends its retrograde, bringing hot tea from the underworld. Pluto is an outer planet that spends nearly half of the year retrograding, but pay attention to this week as Pluto is more still than usual, bringing awareness and proverbial paper jams to lasting structures of power, especially those which are inherited or grandfathered in. Also on Wednesday, October 3, Mercury, planet of communication, enters quiet and emotional Scorpio. The coming weeks of Mercury’s trip through Scorpio brings deep and mysterious insight. Things are communicated less with words, and more with emotional affect.
Action planet Mars enters Libra on Friday, October 4, bringing a fierce and ruthless attitude toward matters of diplomacy and relationships. It’s truly hard for the warrior planet to fight in pacifist Libra—whenever you’re taking everyone else into consideration it’s not easy to pick fights or be aggressive the way Mars would like, but sometimes inaction is action in itself! Avoid being passive aggressive and just do what you want regardless of what other people think.
All times ET.

Libra (September 22 - October 23)
The week begins with some deep-rooted understanding, either through ruminating about your family lineage, or personal childhood experiences. As your planetary ruler Venus clashes with Pluto, there is an opportunity to break or make the cycles that contribute to your present behavior. Pluto is standing still as its retrograde has ended, and some deep, dark secrets bubble up to remind you of where you come from. You may find that aggression or resentment has been building up over the past few weeks of Mars in Virgo, wondering why people act how they do, or feeling alienated by people’s actions. With the action planet in your sign come Friday, you’re going to have more energy to be confrontational and actually address whatever qualms have been festering.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
You’re moving in secrecy, Scorpio—even more so than usual. You have a reputation for being a mysterious sign, but maybe there are things that you aren’t ready to reveal to the public yet! Your planetary ruler Mars is in Libra, and you may be keeping your activities to yourself. Look out for fear, paranoia, or conspiracy in your relationships as the planet of love, Venus, clashes with power planet Pluto. Use whatever worries you have to deepen your understanding of others rather than getting too deep in your own head. The planet of communication, Mercury, will be in your sign starting Wednesday, helping you express what’s on your mind to the best of your ability.

Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)
Don’t get aggravated with your friends—they don’t know what they’re doing! Action planet Mars enters your house of friendships and social networking, bringing a weird edge to your online interactions and offline friendships. Mars is uncomfortable and doesn’t know how to act in Libra, so arguments might not end up getting anywhere as everyone is trying to agree with each other instead of standing up for themselves. Venus classes with Pluto, bringing up issues concerning money and legacy. Think of the ways the people you know may change your attitudes toward materialism, or even help you achieve financial security. Pluto can be a greedy planet, but life is more rewarding when there are friends and communities to share the power with.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)
Pluto is the planet of greed, power, and secrets, and it’s been in your sign for a while now, Capricorn! Pluto ends its retrograde this week, but before it’s moving at its normal pace, it stands still, making you more aware of your own behavioral patterns and how they’ve been influenced by a greater, overarching system of power. This can contribute to your own capacity to be influential. Venus, the planet of love and money, clashes with Pluto and you are called to action to address your values concerning love or who you want to be known as. Shape your legacy with determination. Mercury is in Scorpio for the coming weeks, connecting you with networks that can help make it possible.

Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)
Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your house of career and reputation on Wednesday. New ideas about how you want to share your message are conceived—the communication planet is more vibe-y in Scorpio. This sign is quiet and subliminal. An understated but powerful language is crafted to describe your legacy, or you feel more in touch with your bosses and those in authority at this time! As action planet Mars moves into Libra, you may get a little bit of wanderlust and have more energy to go out and see the world, trying to get to places that you haven’t been before, or do things that are outside of your comfort zone with the company of a friend.

Pisces (February 18 - March 20)
Things are kind of chaotic right now, Pisces. Pluto is the planet of power and control, but instead of overextending yourself or trying to change stubborn people or things, just let it be. Manipulation and whatever clique hierarchies are not your thing, so don’t indulge in them! You may get mixed in with some shady crowds as Venus, the planet of love and attraction, clashes with dangerous Pluto. Make sure you’re hanging with people you can trust. The reversal of that statement is valid, too—make sure you’re not being manipulative! The planet of communication, Mercury, moves into fellow water sign Scorpio, helping you think into the future and be inspired. Get out of your comfort zone, but stay protected anyway!

Aries (March 20 - April 19)
Other people seem to be taking the wheel, and that’s cool. You can follow someone else’s lead as long as they’re open to suggestions. However, your planetary ruler Mars moves into your house of partnerships this Friday, and other people’s agendas may be a source of agitation. You can handle confrontations pretty smoothly, but you might not have the will to really get into it. The planet of power, Pluto, ends its retrograde, and your public influence has a moment of pause when things are being sorted out and the shadowy implications of success come to light. Venus clashes with Pluto, encouraging a powerful co-conspiracy. Just remember to be kind.

Taurus (April 19 - May 20)
There is a lot more energy to get your daily tasks done as action planet Mars moves into your house of daily routine. There is strength and determination in doing your day-to-day mundane chores. Getting help from a friend, a study buddy, or a gym buddy can help motivate you to push through. The planet of communication, Mercury, enters Scorpio on Wednesday, beginning a short period of fluid conversation in your relationships. Pay attention to what other people are telling—or not telling you—right now; silence can speak volumes! Dangerous and powerful Pluto finishes its retrograde and things stand still when it comes to dealing with bureaucracies, but it’ll all get moving soon. As long as you can stay on top of your daily tasks!

Gemini (May 20 - June 21)
If things weren’t already exciting and sexy enough this Libra season, Mars moves into your house of dating and partying, bringing more action to your social life. Whatever power struggles or deep concerns you have can be washed away by actively doing the things that bring you pleasure and joy, whether that’s entertaining your friends, making art, or going to the museum by yourself. Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into silent Scorpio, and you can gain a lot more mental stamina to take on your daily tasks with bravery and cunning. There are things outside of your control—Pluto, the planet of power, finishes its retrograde, and you might want to hold onto something tightly—but put your mind at ease by taking it on incrementally.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
After exploring the shadow realm of your relationships, it’s time to pause and let it all sink in. Power planet Pluto finishes its retrograde, and as it appears to stand still, so do matters concerning the power structure in your relationships, whether that means ones with your parents or romantic partners. A deep awareness can be harnessed, but there’s no looking back from there! This is especially true as the planet of relationships, Venus, clashes with power planet Pluto, encouraging you to break out of the cycle...or repeat it! The planet of communication, Mercury, moves into your house of sex and dating, bringing fun dates and weekend plans your way.

Leo (July 22 - August 23)
Warrior Mars moves into your house of communication, so be conscious of your words—you can cut people with that edge! Conversely, you may receive some passive aggressive messages that you simply have to ignore or be the bigger person. The planet of power and control, Pluto, ends its retrograde, and you may be feeling like a control freak when it comes to your job. Don’t stress yourself out trying to do absolutely everything, because it’s not possible! You can prioritize things that bring you closer to others as Venus, the planet of relationships, clashes with power planet Pluto, helping you be more effective and to communicate clearly. You might want to be alone with your thoughts for the coming weeks as Mercury, planet of communication, enters a personal sector of your chart.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Sex is one of the most powerful things on this planet! Friendship, too. Power planet Pluto ends its retrograde, standing still in your house of dating and creativity, bringing awareness to patterns in dating and power dynamic in your friendships. Venus, the planet of relationships, clashes with Pluto, and may find yourself acting in a way that is resourceful, investing in things that make you happy. You can get by just living on the fruits of the earth. Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into your house of communication and fraternity, showing that if you make some risky financial moves, you can at least count on the people closest to you to help you out. Or if you do something silly, they can at least keep a secret!
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