Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, October 2019

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The sun in Libra illuminates the travel and learning sector of your chart, and indeed, dear Aquarius, you're gaining a great amount of perspective about yourself, especially when it comes to your subconscious patterns and emotions, at the beginning of this month. As Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn on October 1, intense emotions like jealousy and obsession bubble to the surface, and it's time to recognize these emotions in yourself and in the people you're engaging with! Venus in Libra is polite, while Pluto—no matter what sign it's in—bulldozes through whatever is in its path, asking us to focus on rebuilding ourselves.

Pluto is the planet of rebirth and transformation, and with Venus in dainty Libra, that means things are about to get messy. Have you ever tried to garden without getting your hands dirty? Or eat wings without getting sauce on your face? Sometimes you just have to let go of perfection and dive in. For you, this means feeling your emotions. Set your repressed feelings free by ruthlessly journaling your truths, no matter how ugly they are. With Pluto's activity this month, if you cling to perfection, refuse to change, or resort to manipulative tactics to get your way, you'll only make things harder for yourself in the long run. On that note, you still need to be wary of shady conspirators and bring in a third party to help mediate situations with people you have an intuitive uneasiness about.

October 3 is an especially powerful time for dream work, exploring your shadow, and therapy as the lord of the underworld, Pluto, ends its retrograde. That same day, communication planet Mercury enters creative water sign Scorpio, which will find you receiving plenty of news about your career and engaging with the public! You’ll also have more energy to travel, learn, and explore as action planet Mars enters Libra on October 4. Libra is all about justice, and you're especially motivated to right some wrongs.

Watch out for some unexpected shifts at home and at work on October 7 as communication planet Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus. Shocking news arrives, and you will have to stay flexible as your schedule undergoes a shift. The sun also clashes with Saturn on October 7, finding you hitting an obstacle or facing rejection. Make time to rest: The energy is wired and frustrated, and sleep, meditation, and journaling are the activities you need to balance the vibe. Fortunately, blessings in your career arrive as Venus enters Scorpio on October 8! You're receiving recognition and reward for your good work, and some surprising turn of events will take place on October 12 as Venus opposes your ruling planet Uranus. Uranus symbolizes invention, rebellion, freedom, and the unexpected. It's the wildcard of the zodiac, and with it being so active this month, any boredom or stagnation you may have been experiencing will be busted and cleared. At the same time, this may also mean that you have to let something go.

A lucky full moon in Aries arrives on October 13, bringing a conversation that's been building to a climax and illuminating the details you've been missing. The sun makes a helpful connection to jovial Jupiter in Sagittarius that same day, inspiring a generous atmosphere in your social life. On October 14, Mercury makes a helpful connection to Saturn, creating a supportive atmosphere as you tap into your intuitive abilities; on this day, however, the sun will also clash with Pluto, which will stir up some power struggles and big egos (watch out for people with control issues!). Trust your intuition: There's a battle over beliefs taking place, and you have to listen to what your gut says, not what books or other people are trying to convince you of!

Luckily, a creative energy around abundance and material manifestation flows as Mercury connects with Neptune in Pisces on October 15; this is a fantastic time for casting a money spell! You're getting juicy information on October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto, and again, this is an important time to trust your intuition. October 20 finds Venus connecting with Saturn, encouraging a helpful atmosphere for setting boundaries and making commitments. Blessings continue to pour in on the financial front as Venus connects with Neptune on October 21. It's a powerful time to make wishes, water bearer!

October 23 marks the beginning of Scorpio season! The sun in Scorpio lights up the sector of your chart that rules your career and legacy, popularity, and reputation, and you're reflecting on what you want your mark on the world to be. Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, inspiring a powerful, creative energy—if you were able to get messy and dig through your emotions earlier this month, a potent opportunity for growth can take place now. Making the "right" choices about public life can be hard when so many voices are giving you different suggestions, but when you're in tune with your inner voice on a deep level and not ignoring its calls, making decisions is so much easier!

October 27 brings frustration as Mars clashes with Saturn—rejection is in the air. Not every adventure is meant for you. Use this time to rest. The new moon is also in Scorpio on October 27, beginning a new cycle for your career. The sun opposes Uranus on October 28, bringing surprises and conflicts between your private and personal life. Freedom and flexibility are especially important to you right now, and any person or situation that's holding you back will likely find their relationship with you coming to an end.

A more social energy flows as Mercury meets Venus on October 30, which will be especially lovely for your career—now is a great time to connect with your fans and your supervisors. Keep in mind, though, that many of the conversations and decisions made this month will be reconsidered in November, thanks to Mercury beginning its retrograde on October 31 in Scorpio! Don't be surprised if meetings concerning your career are delayed or rescheduled, or if the agreements made are reworked later. Mercury retrograde isn't an ideal time to sign contracts, travel, or make important purchases due to miscommunications. Use the energy to pick up projects that were put on the back burner instead of starting new ones. Good luck this month, Aquarius, and see you in November!

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