Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, October 2019

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You're a visionary, Sagittarius, and Libra season is one of the most inspiring times of the year for you, as the sun illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your hopes and dreams for the future! This is a fantastic time to network, explore hobbies you're excited about, and participate in causes that are close to your heart.

But, this October opens on an intense note with Venus in Libra squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn on October 1. You’re finding yourself preoccupied with issues concerning control, jealousy, and obsession. There's an ideal you've been dreaming of, but to what lengths will you go to make it real? You're ready to make a hard choice, but don't make a foolish decision just because you're burning with desire. Wait some time: If it's worth it, you can be patient.

Pluto ends its retrograde on October 3, and people are in an especially power hungry mood. Watch out for people who are shady about money or are being manipulative, and expect the vibe to be especially intense around your finances at this time. Luckily, Mercury also enters Scorpio on October 3, which will boost your intuitive abilities. This is a wonderful time to focus on your psychic development; you might also notice that you're feeling less chatty than usual and much more private and introspective!

  • Here are a few charms, remedies, and rituals you can engage in as you work on your psychic development.
  • Don’t forget to write down anything interesting you discover as you turn inward around this time. This special magnetic notebook will let you rearrange your pages as you go!
  • A budgeting app like this one will help you keep track of your income and expenses, which will be especially helpful amidst the intense financial vibes this month.

The planet of war enters gentle Libra on October 4, energizing you to participate in groups, clubs, or associations that share your goals. Mars loves a confrontation, but Libra prefers a compromise, and as a result, this is an especially interesting time for your social life. Unexpected news arrives as communication planet Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 7: You've been known to say some blunt, unexpected things, and you're likely to do so now! Frustrating shake-ups to your routine may take place, and getting adequate rest may not be so easy, so keep things simple and don't overbook yourself at this time. You’ll also face some financial obstacles on October 7 as the sun clashes with the planet of limits, Saturn.

You’ll continue feeling private and more reclusive than usual as sweet Venus enters brooding, mysterious water sign Scorpio on October 8...you might even indulge in a secret, behind-the-scenes affair! Or, you might just fall in love with your comforter and enjoy binge watching something that takes you away from your everyday worries and routines. You're especially itching for freedom on October 12 when Venus opposes Uranus. An experimental mood is in the air, and an unusual shift in your love life may take place. If you and your partners have been in a rut with the same routines, you will be over them at this time.

A lucky full moon in Aries arrives on October 13, which leads to an exciting culmination in a creative project and a climax in a situation that's been brewing in your love life. The sun connects with jovial Jupiter (your ruling planet, currently in your sign!) during this full moon, bringing a big dose of growth, optimism, and confidence. A helpful, supportive conversation concerning finances arrives on October 14 as Mercury connects with Saturn, but watch out for manipulators on this day as the sun clashes with Pluto. An ego clash may take place, but thankfully, an empathetic energy for communication flows as Mercury connects with sweet, dreamy Neptune in Pisces on October 15.

You're getting key information on October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto. You're exploring hidden places and sharing secret information! This is a particularly energetically heightened day for your intuitive abilities, so make time to sit with your tarot deck, journal, or dive into your spiritual practice. Supportive energy continues to flow as Venus connects with Saturn on October 20 and Neptune on October 21, inspiring a grounded yet magical atmosphere. It's a wonderful time to connect with mentors and to focus on inner, emotional work.

Scorpio season begins on October 23, finding the sun moving through a very private sector of your chart. Go on a quiet retreat, explore your spirituality, and most of all, get some rest! Sagittarius season is around the corner, and you will soon be partying up a storm, so use this time to sleep. Your dreams are likely to be very active, so keep a dream journal nearby. This is a powerful time for therapy and for exploring your “shadow” self. The sun in Scorpio is all about exploring great depths!

Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, bringing a juicy, exciting gift your way! But take it slow on October 27: The new moon in Scorpio is especially sleepy for you, and Mars clashes with Saturn, creating an exasperating energy for trying to get things done and paid for. Though a breakthrough arrives on October 28 as the sun opposes Uranus, expect your schedule to be all over the place (all the more reason to, make plenty of time for rest!). A more social energy flows as Mercury meets Venus on October 30, but you're more inclined to connect over a quiet cup of coffee in a secret garden than someplace loud, bright, and busy.

Many of the conversations that take place this month will be revisited in November as Mercury retrograde begins in Scorpio on October 31. Avoid signing contracts or making important decisions, watch out for delays and miscommunications, and don't be surprised if you're more forgetful than usual. It's usually suggested that you avoid starting new projects during Mercury retrograde and instead focus on things that have been left on the back burner. But honestly, don't even go there now, Sag! Just rest and focus on unwinding. The most important task on your to-do list should be "nothing." Instead of pressuring yourself to be productive, this is a perfect time to explore hidden, repressed emotions, do inner work, and focus on your spiritual path. Good luck this month, and see you in November, Sagittarius!

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