Monday, September 28, 2020

Weekly Horoscope: September 28 - October 4

The planet of love and money, Venus, harmonizes with retrograde Mars on Monday, September 28, at 9:01 PM. Mars retrograde is annoying and frustrating. With Venus and Mars aligning, we get to see the results of whatever sexual frustrations, dissatisfactions, or pursuits we have. The answer is wacky because the question is wacky.

The planet of rules, regulation, and structures, Saturn, ends its retrograde on Tuesday, September 29, at 1:11 AM. Whenever planetary retrogrades end, things freeze up and stall, so expect roadblocks. Warrior Mars clashes with Saturn, the planet of rejection, at 5:49 PM, forcing us to reckon with the fact that we might not be ready to get what we’re after. There are still more hoops to jump through, and things to do to prove ourselves, before we get the accolades.

On Thursday, October 1, at 5:05 PM, there is a full moon in Aries! While we’re in Libra season, relationships are highlighted. The moon’s opposition with the Libra sun shows how we as individuals are affected by the energy of our relationships. This is a time to assume independence and seek strength in the face of any interpersonal dynamics that are a drag. Relationships take two!

The planet of love, Venus, enters meticulous Virgo on Friday, October 2, at 4:47 PM. Venus in Virgo’s love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. Virgo Venus also likes to shower both before and after sex.

Pluto, the planet of secrets, ends its retrograde on Sunday, October 4, at 9:32 AM. This dredges up some dirt as things that are typically hidden come up from the underground!

All times ET.


If you are sexually or socially frustrated, find a better channel for it. Maybe you’re not going about it the right way as your planetary ruler, Mars, the planet of pursuit, is currently retrograde and not acting like it normally should. Mars harmonizes with Venus, and you can get a clear message from your love interest or friend pretty quickly. Another manifestation of this is just funneling any feelings of unrequited love into a creative project, or surrounding yourself with your friends instead of someone who acts too cool to show you the love you deserve. Mars clashes with Saturn again, and you may feel like you’re hitting a wall, burnt out. Stop pushing where there’s too much resistance—just change. The full moon in your sign asks for you to accept other people for who they are.


You’re accepting something that has been bothering you for a while, moving on from your frustrations, as your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with Mars retrograde. That’s not to say it’s not annoying, but you’re going to be pushing forward. Venus enters fellow earth sign Virgo, and you’re ready to move on and do things you truly enjoy. You did all of your chores, you took the fall clothes out of storage, and now you’re ready to immerse yourself in cuffing season. The full moon will make it easy for you to surrender and accept things that you’re not really trying to push for anymore. Whether it’s work projects or an antisocial diet, you can see a side to things that was hidden from you before.


You’re getting a better grip on whatever drama has been plaguing your social circle as Mars harmonizes with Venus, helping you to make peace with any fighting, disagreement, or misunderstanding. Financial and material freezes are slowing down and working themselves out, and you’re able to get stuff together for your taxes as Saturn retrograde ends. People in your network are misbehaving, and it’s making it hard for you to get the payoff you seek as Mars retrograde clashes with Saturn—resources are being spread thin, but at least you can look at what to do with it. The full moon in Aries helps you see what resources are available in your network, and how you can take advantage of people power.


You’re able to accept that things at work and in your career are a little funky or malfunctioning right now, especially during Mars retrograde, as Mars harmonizes with Venus, helping any malfunctions work in your financial or material favor. Saturn retrograde ends, helping you to move forward with your commitments to other people. You can take your relationships a little more seriously now that others have proven themselves to you. But do they support your aspirations and the things that you’re chasing after? Saturn clashes with Mars, and there can be some rejection in the air. Use the full moon in Aries to connect with the people who respect you for you—whether it’s your audience or your mommy!


People aren’t going to agree with your vision or your beliefs, Leo, and that’s OK—this can only inform how you carry yourself in the face of conflict. Mars, the planet of war, harmonizes with aesthetic Venus, helping you gracefully manage any sort of public rejections or line of fire. You’re hot, and that just might make people jealous. Saturn retrograde ends and you’re looking into your health and work commitments with a more serious, disciplined view. Your daily schedule can make it hard for you to branch out or do anything too huge as Mars clashes with Saturn. Just remember to keep it simple—for now. The full moon in fellow fire sign Aries is dramatic, but it’s mostly local, like in your group chat.


You’re getting situated with social distancing rules and things that have kept you from enjoying yourself and your social life as Saturn, the planet of rules and regulations, ends its retrograde in your house of sex, dating, and friendship. Now you know what you are comfortable with, and where your safe boundaries lie, which can help you address any stressors in your relationships with good grounding and foundations. The full moon highlights a financial sector of your chart, making it a good time for you to ask other people for help, financially or materially—they’ll give you whatever you ask for! Venus enters Virgo and you’re going to be looking cuter than ever over the coming weeks.


Don’t let one relationship dictate your entire social life, Libra. You do a lot for other people, but just because one person is being a sore loser or acting out of line, doesn’t mean you need to put your community on pause. You have other relationships that you need to cater to, not just marriages. Find a solution, or find your personal power to say no! You may be the one issuing rejection as Saturn clashes with Mars, finding you standing your ground and laying down the law. The full moon in Aries makes it clear how other people are reacting to all of the love and light you put into relationships, showing the way to the next step in your interpersonal commitments.


Irregularities in your daily schedule, possibly at your day job, push you toward some good looks as Mars harmonizes with Venus. It might be weird to have to work a different way, or to have no job, but this misbehavior guides you toward some beautiful solutions that get you attention from the public. Saturn retrograde ends and you’re able to revise whatever contracts were being reconsidered. Mars clashes with Saturn and you’re going to have to tweak your schedule and day-to-day commitments. At least you can see everything on the table when it comes to your health and your work, helping you to plan something effective and figure out your next move!


Things in your sex and social life are going a little haywire during Mars retrograde—people are not behaving as they typically would, and this is affecting your overall direction. What you thought you liked and what you believed you were into, is being challenged and now you’re learning that you’re actually fine with things that you never considered trying as Mars harmonizes with Venus. You could be feeling some financial pressure as Mars clashes with Saturn, making it feel like there’s nothing there to support what you want to go for, so you have to make some changes and act responsibly. The Aries full moon is a great time to practice gratitude for your friends, your lovers, and your creative drive. Surround yourself with your favorites.


If you’re sick of being the only one who has their shit together, we have good news for you: Saturn, your planetary ruler, ends its retrograde this week, and people are ready to follow the rules and respect those who are doing things by the book. Of course, sometimes the rules can block you from getting what you want. Mars clashes with Saturn, and you have to deal with some bureaucracy, making changes to your living situation that might not be the most fun to deal with. The full moon in Aries illuminates your house of home and family, helping you see where to go from here. Take note of where you currently live, and how you would like it to improve going forward.


All the things you’ve been working on behind the scenes are moving forward as you lay the foundations for a successful future. Your planetary ruler Saturn ends its retrograde, helping you make progress in your mental health and other things that aren’t immediately apparent to the world. There is some conflict as Mars clashes with Saturn, leading to defensiveness. Listen to yourself speak—how do you keep your guard up? The full moon in your house of communication can show how you might be jumping to conclusions or making assumptions based on your own bias. Use it to let go of bias so that you can do your Aquarius thing: getting a more well-rounded understanding of the situation at hand!


You’re getting to accept the social distancing rules a little better as Saturn, the planet of regulations and restrictions, ends its retrograde in your house of community and friendship. Alternatively, these uncertain times are affecting your income and your material standing in a way that can create some stress as Saturn clashes with warrior Mars, shaking up insecurities around money. The Aries full moon will help you get realistic about what you have to offer yourself and others, and from there you can make peace with what you need to do moving forward. Venus, the planet of love, enters your house of relationships—other people are more than willing to help you, if you just ask, over the coming weeks.

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