Sunday, September 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, September 2019

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Virgo season is one of the flirtiest times of year for you, dear Taurus, and the month opens with excitement as social butterfly Mercury in Virgo makes a harmonious connection with Uranus in your sign, finding you taking unexpected romantic and creative risks! Also on September 1, your ruling planet Venus connects with Saturn in Capricorn, bringing a supportive and flexible energy for discussing plans and commitments.

The sun meets Mars in Virgo on September 2, beginning a new cycle in asking for what you want in life, and a passionate energy is in the air as Venus clashes with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in Sagittarius. Just watch out for over-indulging; aside from partying too hard, you may be connecting with people on a deeper level at this time, and a powerful heart-to-heart could take place. Mercury, Mars and the sun converge in Virgo on September 3, creating a productive and cheerful mood—but not all of September will be smooth sailing.

We hit a foggy roadblock thanks to Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion that opposes sweet Venus on September 4. Confusion takes over your social life, love life, and creative endeavors, and you’ll have to find ways to ground yourself and avoid succumbing to paranoia. If you’re able to keep things light, you may actually enjoy Venus’s opposition to Neptune; it is a fantastic time to dance, make love, and tap into your spirituality. Things may not make much sense, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself—just don’t binge watch or engage with material that makes you feel paranoid. A more grounding energy—especially in communication—arrives as Mercury connects with Saturn on September 5.

September 6 is a busy day: Mercury clashes with Jupiter, finding you having deep and important conversations about intimacy, power, money, and creativity. The sun connects with Saturn, inspiring stability and strength, especially if you are in school, traveling, or publishing something you’re eager to share with the world. And Venus connects with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, in Capricorn, finding you and your partners connecting on a deep and intense level! Confusing communications take place on September 7 as Mercury opposes Neptune—watch out for exaggerations, lies, or laziness.

A powerful opportunity for transformation arrives as the sun clashes with Jupiter on September 8, but watch out for big egos—especially your own! Major growth is taking place, but you’ll miss out if you’re resisting change. Also on September 8, Mercury connects with Pluto, bringing you the inside scoop. Neptune’s influence has been a confusing one, but Pluto helps you see through the B.S. as it makes a helpful connection with detail-minded Mercury. You’re figuring out what you want and what you believe, and you’re putting a plan into action as warrior planet Mars connects with taskmaster Saturn on September 9. Neptune blurs boundaries, but Mars and Saturn team up to help you set standards and limitations.

  • Make your mornings productive and set those plans into motion with this motivational planner.
  • There’s an art to accepting the changes in your life that you can and can’t control. Read this book for more advice on how you can embrace the imperfections in your life.
  • Use this formula to help you detect any B.S. that people might be spewing this month.

The sun opposes Neptune on September 10 and people are feeling especially sensitive—you’re seeking reassurance but aren’t sure where to find it! This could be a fine time if you’re not overly invested in anything, well rested, and detached from drama in your social life. Allow yourself to enjoy art, music, and magic. After this sleepy Neptunian moment, a burst of energy arrives when Mars clashes with Jupiter on September 12—just be mindful of arguments and watch out for potential consequences of poor planning. September 13 is heavy, but also cute! Mercury meets Venus, inspiring a sweet, social vibe that’s perfect for romance and creativity, and the sun also connects with Pluto, creating a profound moment to venture deeper into your art, love connections, and spirituality.

  • Let your creativity flow on paper with these soft oil pastels.
  • Avoid poor planning by using a daily agenda notepad like this one.

You’ve been considering deep questions, and the full moon in Pisces on September 14 brings a climax to a situation that’s been brewing in your social life. You’re figuring out who you want to keep in your circle and reconsidering some of the dreams you’ve held abo0ut your future. You’re also figuring out who you can trust as Mars opposes Neptune during this full moon, finding you facing lazy, shady, or downright manipulative people. As is always the case with a Pisces moon, emotions are high, but things are even more intense since this is a full moon. This isn’t a day for problem solving, but a time for release. Mercury and Venus enter Libra, the sign of balance, on this day, bringing a much needed shift in energy and helping you begin a process of reorganization.

Saturn ends its retrograde on September 18, bringing you new opportunities in education and travel, and Mars connects with Pluto on September 19, helping you break through any creative blocks you’ve been struggling with. A passionate energy flows, which bodes will for your sex life, but keep in mind that Mars and Pluto are tempestuous energies, so don’t pick any fights!

Neptune squares off with Jupiter for the third time this year on September 21. This also happened on January 13 and June 16, so think back to those dates since similar themes will resurface now. As Jupiter clashes with Neptune, you’re challenged to accept the truth about a scene you have been eager to participate in, and the truth about a financial situation may emerge. A dream you’ve been investing in may burst. You may even feel embarrassed, but at least now you know the truth. Reality checks keep coming your way as Mercury clashes with serious Saturn on September 22—the mood is grouchy, so keep that in mind before asking for any favors.

  • Help clear any negative energy in your space that might be contributing to the grouchy mood with these handcrafted diffusers.
  • If your financial situation could use a little boost, consider these “cheap habits” that people do to save money every day.

September 23 marks the beginning of Libra season, shifting your focus to productivity—it’s time to write up a to-do list and jump into your chores! Mercury connects with Jupiter on September 24, bringing uplifting news, but watch out for frustration and disappointment as plans are canceled or rejections are delivered when Venus clashes with Saturn the next day. Mercury clashes with Pluto on September 26, revealing important information.

The new moon in Libra arrives and Venus connects with Jupiter on September 28, offering you a clean slate, good vibes, and a jovial, generous atmosphere in your daily routine, day job, and general habits! This is a wonderful time to kick a bad habit or start a new routine that benefits your mind, body, and soul. Libra is the sign of harmony, and you find yours through supportive routines, Taurus. As Venus makes a helpful connection with Jupiter during this new moon, an accommodating energy flows as you rethink your schedule and get reorganized. Good luck this month, my bovine bud, and see you in October!

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