Monday, September 2, 2019

Weekly Horoscope: September 2 - 8

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On Monday, the sun meets action planet Mars in Virgo, making our actions clear—there’s a truth to whatever it is we’re doing, and an increased awareness of passion and force. Also on Monday, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, clashes with over-the-top Jupiter, compelling us to jump the gun, do what we desire, and worry about the rest later. There’s an impulsive energy in the air, but at least our impulses are understood!

On Tuesday, Mercury, the planet of communication, meets warrior Mars, bringing a lot of impulsive thoughts and communication. Things can be blurted out fast and aggressively, but at least the truth is available as the sun meets Mercury—we can analyze what’s what, and what there is to do about it!

On Wednesday, sweet Venus faces off with deceptive Neptune, encouraging us to chase our ideal romances. Not all that glitters is gold. Neptune can put things on a pedestal and fall in love with strangers. We can go very far for things that might not even be what we truly desire. It’s confusing!

Messenger Mercury connects with taskmaster Saturn on Thursday, helping us take a practical approach to our long-term goals. Linking with a friend who has the right connections, or simply talking to someone to understand the logistics of your five-year plan, are great things to do toward the end of this week.

The weekend starts off with some exaggerated speech as Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, on Friday—there can be some conceptual oversight, but at least there’s a lot of grounding in the physical plane! The sun connects with Saturn, encouraging us to proceed along the long and winding path uphill. Also on Friday, Venus, the planet of love, connects with powerful Pluto, intensifying love and relationships, as well as aesthetics. We can be attracted to danger or shady figures—so be careful out there! Jealousy and self-criticism can also intensify in a toxic way, but healthy relationships may deepen.

Messenger Mercury faces off with deceptive Neptune on Saturday and again, there are lots of red herrings and fantasies in the air. Let your daydreams be daydreams, and be inspired, but take it one step at a time.

On Sunday, the sun clashes with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and we are pushed toward making a leap of faith. A decision is made that balances on our beliefs and core philosophy. Trust in the process and have some patience. Conspiracy theories abound as Mercury, planet of communication and mental faculties, connects with Pluto, planet of the underworld, also on Sunday. We are going deep, deep!

All times ET.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

There is a fiery passion at the beginning of the week as the sun meets action planet Mars in your sign. You are up front, direct, and starting some new activities. On the same day, Venus clashes with Jupiter, and you may be flooded with things to do in your personal life, but you’re down for whatever. Stay humble. Mars and Mercury meet, and you may act like you know everything, but leave some wiggle room for being proven wrong. Sweet Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune and your relationships aren’t perfectly clear, but Mercury’s connection with committed Saturn throws you a rope to hold onto. Get real about your love life and what makes you happy. There’s a lot of talking through it and opportunities to dive deep, so make sure you’re expressing your struggles. It could seem like a road to nowhere as Mercury faces off with Neptune, but you’re flexible and creative.


Libra (September 22 - October 23)

Virgo season is a psychically energized time for you, Libra, as your mind wanders to the ethereal plane. You need your personal space and privacy. Your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn, and you can set clear boundaries to have your alone time—plan it out! Venus clashes with lucky Jupiter, helping you make moves toward what you need in order to grow and feel at peace. Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune, throwing a distracting veil over your eyes—give yourself some strategies and lists to stay on track. Things don’t make total sense, and they won’t for a bit. Your home life is intense and changing, going to the farthest possible extreme as Venus connects with Pluto.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

You’re mingling with and meeting new, weird people that you understand and feel excited about. Your social life is invigorated as the sun meets your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, in your house of community networks and dreams! There’s a clear understanding of what you need to do to make your wishes come true: strategize. Mars meets with Mercury and you’re making connections with the right people—be sure to go out and show your face. You never know who you’ll run into. Be honest with yourself about what their motives are, though—Venus faces off with Neptune, and looks can be deceiving. You like to be authentic—social climbers can get lost!


Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

Virgo season brings a flurry of activity to your career and day job. Keep it simple. Venus clashes with your planetary ruler Jupiter, and you really want to do it all, but you have to pace yourself, Sagittarius! If you want to do the job well, you have to take your time. You can step into a position of leadership as Mercury, Mars, and the sun gang up together, helping you be recognized for all that you do and think. Still, things are kind of hazy and confusing—maybe you’re not sure whether this is the right career direction, or you feel as though you don’t deserve certain things, as Venus and Mercury face off with deceptive Neptune. Don’t let this fool you.


Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Get out of the house and try to do something different with your life this week, Capricorn! The sun meets Mars and you want to expand your personal horizons—you’ve got the energy and the will to do so, so try to branch out and see new pockets of life. It’s hard to express what you desire and what you think as Venus and Mercury face off with deceptive Neptune—not everything is clear right now, and you can be mislead, misreading things, or believing whatever it is you want to believe. You can find your grounding and due diligence as detail-oriented Mercury harmonizes with your planetary ruler Saturn, giving you something real to think about and work toward.


Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)

You’re getting rid of stuff, changing and rearranging. You deserve a little fun, Aquarius! Venus clashes with Jupiter, encouraging you to go out, but be sure you’re pacing yourself because Jupiter likes to overdo it and get carried away. You can really pinpoint details when it comes to your taxes and receipts, which sounds boring, but Virgo season is all about being prepared! Venus faces off with Neptune, inspiring high expectations and disappointments—try to be grateful for what you have. Messenger Mercury harmonizes with you planetary ruler Saturn, and you can get your shit together and say no to things intelligently. Spend some time alone and get in touch with your spiritual side, or find someone who’d partake in a conversation on topics that seem out-of-bounds.


Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

You’re standing up for others as messenger Mercury meets warrior planet Mars. Others have your back as well, and can confront you about what’s on their mind. Keep things civil, Pisces. Sweet Venus clashes with generous Jupiter and others take action to help you get where you need to be! There is a lot of talk—honest talk—about what’s going on in your relationships, but the thing is, things aren’t totally clear. Mercury, Mars, and the sun meet, and people’s thoughts and motivations are clear, but as sweet Venus faces off with illusory Neptune, you may not be making yourself clear. You’re very sensitive to what other people desire, and you can have fun with this.


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Work is pretty speedy as the sun meets your planetary ruler, energetic Mars. You’re getting so much done, Aries! Mercury, Mars, and the sun join forces and you can clearly see the best ways to get your mind right to be your most productive and healthiest self. As Venus and Mercury face off with dreamy Neptune, there’s enough wiggle room and fog for you to take a break and catch up with your mind, since you’ve been working a lot. Try not to overschedule yourself as Mercury clashes with Jupiter—just take it one day at a time and make space to catch up on rest. You move forward with your five-year plan and understand where you’re climbing as Mercury harmonizes with Saturn.


Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

You’re being upfront and direct about what you like, and you’re not afraid to go out and get it. The sun meets fearless Mars in Virgo, encouraging you to really lean into your passions. Your planetary ruler Venus clashes with abundant Jupiter, inspiring an urge to splurge on sex and other indulgences. Pace yourself, Taurus. Have fun and connect with your clique, but be sure you’re looking out for yourself. Venus faces off with illusory Neptune and it’s a little unclear who belongs in what group, but this can be a fun time to merge your different communities and just be a creative, adora-bull Taurus! Engage with spiritual mysteries, get dressed up, or get lost in your own little world. Just know where your fantasies start and end!


Gemini (May 20 - June 21)

The sun and Mars meet in Virgo, giving you a lot of energy for addressing your living situation head-on. Venus clashes with Jupiter and you can take pleasure in the company of your favorite people. Things can get indulgent, so pace yourself, Gemini—Jupiter likes to overdo it, so you may feel some peer pressure. Mercury, Mars, and the sun meet in your domestic sector, giving you a burst of inspiration to get your personal life together. It might not be clear where you fit into the world and what you’re supposed to be doing, but try to enjoy this shape-shifting uncertainty. As aesthetic Venus faces off with deceptive Neptune, you have the creative freedom to be anything you want.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The sun meets Mars in Virgo and you may be cutting people out of your feed—say goodbye to people you’ve been following that no longer inspire you or make you feel invigorated. There are more people to meet and follow, so get out and mingle! Venus clashes with Jupiter, inspiring a social atmosphere. Mars, Mercury, and the sun meet in Vigo and you’re making headway with clear communication, but it’s not totally clear what you want, dear Cancer. You can get a general sense of the vibe, but it’s not really possible to define things as Venus faces off with nebulous Neptune, piquing your psychic abilities. Things may be unclear, or maybe you’re just believing what you want to believe.


Leo (July 22 - August 23)

You know what you need to spend money on, and you move forward with these purchases as the sun meets Mars in Virgo. Maybe now you’re understanding what is and isn’t necessary to impulse buy, or maybe you just convince yourself that you need certain things as Mercury, Mars, and the sun all align. Venus faces off with Neptune and you may be basing your worth on things that aren’t real, like photoshopped pictures or perfectly arranged tableaus of strangers’ lives. Get inspired by people, especially artists and poets. Mercury faces off with Neptune, and there’s a lot of misleading information out there. At least you have your pleasures. Remember what makes you happiest, and practice moderation.

What's in the stars for you in September?

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