Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Aries, October 2019

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Libra season finds the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your relationships with lovers, professional colleagues, and, yes, even your enemies! This is an exciting time to connect with people and build partnerships—or have a confrontation. Power struggles, jealousy, obsession, and control issues come to a head as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn on October 1. Be smart about the moves you make, since your reputation is on the line! Bring in a third party to help mediate issues—people tend to tone down their bad behavior when there is an audience. Venus is all about desire, but Pluto is a destructive energy, even though it’s the planet of rebirth; when these two planets clash, the energy is passionate but can bring out people’s most bratty, controlling, or even manipulative sides.

It doesn’t help that Pluto ends its retrograde on October 3, creating an especially intense energy in your career. A big change is about to take place, and it’s time to let go of the past. Your reputation is a sensitive matter, so do your best to take the high road, be humble, and not be the controlling ram who can’t release power—after all, it could be time for someone else to take your place. As disappointing as that may sound, the truth is that you’re ready to level up: Leave your old post behind, let someone else succeed you, and move on to bigger and better things!

Also on October 3, communication planet Mercury enters perceptive water sign Scorpio, finding you having conversations about sensitive topics. The following day, October 4, your ruling planet Mars enters diplomatic air sign Libra, firing up the relationship sector of your chart—expect your partners to be more action oriented than usual. This is also a wonderful time to advocate on behalf of others, but watch out for arguments, as warrior Mars in delicate Libra fights with words! On October 7, Mercury opposes wildcard Uranus in Taurus and the sun clashes with Saturn in Capricorn, bringing an unexpected conversation about money, and finding you hitting some obstacles concerning commitment in your relationships. Can you keep your word? This is a tricky time for broken promises. Be an adult about things, young ram!

Sexy Venus enters mysterious Scorpio on October 8, making for an intriguing atmosphere in your love life: Prepare to be let in on some juicy secrets…or not! You’ll figure out how much your partners are willing to share with you as Venus moves through this brooding water sign. Venus in Scorpio will bring blessings to your finances, especially the trickier aspects like debts, taxes, and inheritances. This is a wonderful time to pay off a debt and get your bills organized, but watch out for Venus’s opposition to unruly Uranus on October 12, which will bring some unexpected shake-ups on the financial front.

A lucky full moon in your sign, Aries, lands on October 13, with the sun making a harmonious connection to jovial Jupiter. This full moon brings a climax to a situation that's been brewing in your relationships: A confrontation is finally had, or a compromise is reached. This full moon also asks you to touch base with your needs and reflect on independence. Happy relationships don’t mean that you lose your freedom; they should support your autonomy not stifle it. Reflect on your partnerships and really consider whether you’re getting the support you want. It's a fantastic day for deep heart-to-hearts as the sun connects with philosopher Jupiter, so pour some tea and dive deep with your partners into whatever is on your minds.

Messenger planet Mercury connects with taskmaster Saturn on October 14, creating a focused energy for getting things done. Also on this day, the sun clashes with Pluto, so watch out for big egos and power struggles. Empathetic communication flows as Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune on October 15, and you're diving to the bottom of an issue and getting the answers you need on October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto. This is an amazing time during the month to focus on psychic development.

Promising commitments are made as Venus connects with Saturn on October 20, and a romantic energy flows as Venus mingles with Neptune on October 21—a secret crush may reveal themselves! A few days later, an inspiring journey will begin. Scorpio season starts on October 23, encouraging you to dive deep into shadow work: This is a powerful time to work through issues in therapy, and major transformations are taking place in your life.

Finances, including debts, taxes, and inheritances, are a big theme for you during Scorpio season, especially as Venus mingles with Pluto on October 25—luckily, the resources you need are arriving. Obstacles surface on October 27 as your ruling planet Mars clashes with Saturn, so watch out for arguments about commitments or anger about limitations. This is an important day to set boundaries and have humility about your own limitations. People have short tempers at this time, so don't push any arguments.

  • Before you begin communicating your boundaries with others, make sure that you yourself are clear on what they are first! Set your intentions this month with the help of these candles.
  • If you’ve found yourself trapped in the middle of an online argument, here’s exactly what you should do.
  • Yes, it’s only October, but don’t let yourself forget to file your taxes on time (or better yet, file them as early as possible!). Flag the date in your calendar and set up an online reminder.

The new moon in Scorpio marks the beginning of a new cycle on October 27 and you're likely exhausted. Give yourself time to rest during this emotionally and psychically transformative period. You've pushed as hard as you can, and now it's time to rest. Surprises concerning finances arrive on October 28 as the sun opposes unruly Uranus, and you might also find yourself eager to cut ties with a situation that's been weighing you down, financially or otherwise. Mercury and Venus meet on October 30, bringing you juicy information. But remember that much of what you hear, discuss, and plan for this month will be reworked in November due to Mercury retrograde beginning on October 31.

Mercury retrograde brings misunderstandings and delays, so avoid signing contracts and traveling, or making big purchases and permanent decisions. This is a tricky Mercury retrograde for money, so triple check your payments! Do expect to run into people from your past—this Mercury retrograde is in Scorpio, so the secrets that surface during this time will be crucial information you may have previously missed. Make note of what you find out, as it will offer you a greater understanding of your life that you’ll need as you experience this time of transformation. Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in November!

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