Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, October 2019

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The sun in Libra illuminates the busy sector of your chart, finding you focusing on your day job and your daily habits. It’s a fantastic time to get organized, since a productive energy is flowing. While you can sometimes be slow to start things, you’re being poked by the sun in Libra to get moving. October 1 opens on an intense note as your ruling planet Venus clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in fellow earth sign Capricorn—watch out for jealousy and obsession. If someone is trying to control your calendar, boss you around, or micromanage you in inappropriate ways, now is the time to call them out, draw a boundary, and bring in a third party to help mediate the situation.

October 3 continues with the intense vibes as Pluto ends its retrograde and communication planet Mercury enters your opposite sign Scorpio. Pluto's change in direction creates a heavy atmosphere, one that calls you to reconnect with your spiritual practice. A new perspective is needed now as your old ideas about the world are being washed away. Mercury's entry into Scorpio kicks up communication in your relationships, finding your partners especially eager to get their ideas out there. Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac: As Mercury moves through Scorpio, it will be a fascinating time for researching and exploring topics that intrigue you.

Action planet Mars enters diplomatic air sign Libra on October 4, finding you politely but decisively cutting ties with people, plans, and situations that are no longer suited for you. Surprising conversations take place as Mercury opposes Uranus, which is currently in your sign, on October 7. A brilliant breakthrough takes place, but a contrarian energy is also in the air and finding a compromise may be hard, even though they are necessary! This is one of those times to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinions and preferences, but that you don't have to align yourself with people who don't share your vision of progress. Also on October 7, the sun clashes with Saturn in Capricorn, creating a difficult energy as you try to push forward in projects. Remember: The bigger your ego, the harder the energy! This is an important moment to be mature and to set and respect boundaries.

Your ruling planet Venus enters Scorpio on October 8, bringing blessings to your relationships. Seductive Venus in sexy Scorpio makes for a powerful time for connection, and you and your partners connecting on a deep level. Important changes take place in your relationships as Venus opposes Uranus on October 8, sparking a need for freedom and flexibility. This can be a fun time to experiment, but watch out for hurt feelings, as value systems may clash—what's unimportant to you might be crucial to someone else, and this is very apparent at this time.

A lucky full moon in Aries lands on October 13, with the sun making a helpful connection with jovial Jupiter. Watch out for the messages that arrive in your dreams during this full moon, as your psychic abilities will be especially heightened. Libra season is such a busy time of year for you, so use this full moon's energy to catch up on time alone. This is a powerful full moon for inner work, meditation, and journaling.

Aries has many lovely qualities, but it's also a sign that’s known for having a temper. Keep in mind, though, that anger is normal for everyone, and we all have rage that we struggle to push away when societal norms attached to being an adult means you have to know how to keep your cool. But this full moon in Aries asks that you give a voice to that part of you that’s screaming for attention deep, deep down in your heart—let it come out in healthy ways through your writing or in your art! Jupiter and Venus's connection will bring some luck your way, holding your hand as you navigate tricky situations and asking you to reach out for help when things become too uncomfortable.

  • This sturdy journal will be ready to take in any furious writing you need to let out.
  • Create some moody charcoal drawings if you’re feeling so inclined.
  • When you feel like you’ve had a good release, clear any bad energy in the air by burning some palo santo.

Messenger planet Mercury makes a helpful connection with Saturn, creating a solid atmosphere for talking with your partners about commitments, boundaries, and other serious topics that can otherwise be stressful to broach, especially after this month's earlier differences in opinion. You’re digging beneath the surface and getting to the root of a problem on October 14 as the sun clashes with Pluto, but watch out for power struggles! Bringing in a third party can help if you’ve reached an impasse with someone. Luckily, empathetic energy flows for communication on October 15 as Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. This is an especially lovely time to network and socialize as people are tapping into their creativity and vulnerability, and you're enjoying some authentic, deep connections. Juicy information arrives on October 15 as Mercury connects with Pluto and Venus connects with Saturn on October 20, encouraging a structured, efficient atmosphere. It's not the snuggliest day of the month, but it's an effective time to arrange plans and work out issues. If you're looking for a whirlwind romance, you'll find it on October 21, when Venus connects with Neptune. This is a magical and sexy time to connect!

Scorpio season arrives on October 23, fully bringing your focus to your relationships. Powerful conversations take place as Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, but frustrations land on October 27 as Mars clashes with Saturn—expect plans to be canceled or for a block in communication to occur since people are in a bad mood and tempers are flaring. That same day also brings a new moon in Scorpio, which marks the beginning of a new cycle in your relationships. The astrological weather finds your patience being tested, and it's not helpful that you're feeling in the dark about your future as your plans get canceled. Keep in mind, however, that new moons are brilliant times for imagining, dreaming, and experimenting, so connect with your partners and fantasize about what the future might hold. The new moon is bringing a fresh start—even though it won't happen overnight, change is coming!

The sun opposes Uranus on October 28, bringing surprises. You might find that you and a partner have outgrown one another and that you’re seeking more freedom. While this might lead to a breakup, things can play out in many ways. You don't want to be tied down right now, and neither does anyone else, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you’ll stop supporting or loving one another. The best way to work with the energy is to allow change to take place naturally.

A more social atmosphere flows as Mercury meets Venus on October 30, creating.an effervescent, light energy for connecting with partners. Keep in mind that many of the conversations you have this month will be revisited and reconsidered in November, due to Mercury retrograde, which begins on October 31: Avoid signing contracts, traveling, making important purchases, and starting new projects, as Mercury retrograde is famous for miscommunications and delays. Watch out for running into people from your past! But if there is someone you have been meaning to catch up with, now is a great time to do that. Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in November!

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