Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Leo, October 2019

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As the sun in Libra shines down on the communication sector of your chart, you’re busy making calls, dealing with paperwork, and generally being busy in your neighborhood. This is an exciting time of year for you, filled with movement, the exchange of information, and in true Libra fashion, socializing! But, the atmosphere is heavy as Venus in Libra clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in Capricorn on October 1: Control issues in your partnerships become apparent as you try to make plans, get work done, or generally communicate. If you feel like someone is trying to manipulate how you think or how you plan your day, trust your instincts and reach out to a third party to help. Issues like envy and obsession will stir up.

Libra season is usually light and airy, but not this one! Major changes in your schedule and daily routine, your day job, and your habits take place as Pluto ends its retrograde on October 3—perhaps it's time to kick bad habits or routines that aren’t so healthy for you! Also on October 3, communication planet Mercury enters Scorpio, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart and finding you having important conversations in your personal life. You're in a deeply introspective mood about your past and are working out communication issues between you and your family members, or even your roommates. On a more mundane level, if you're thinking about moving or rearranging your living situation, Mercury in Scorpio will help you strategize.

Action planet Mars enters Libra on October 4, helping you fearlessly say what's on your mind. Expect a big boost in communication to take place at that potimeint! But, unexpected news arrives on October 7 as Mercury confronts wildcard Uranus in Taurus: A surprising turn of events manifests that affects your home life and your career. Stay open-minded and you may be able to harness this energy to effect an amazing, previously unimaginable change for yourself. Being flexible is key right now, but it might not be so easy as the sun also clashes with Saturn on October 7, finding you feeling rather uptight about your plans. It's OK to set boundaries about how much time you can devote to something, but embrace change as much as you can, because October will bring plenty of it!

  • Carrying amethyst with you could help you keep a clear mind as you embrace change this month.
  • Help clear any bad energy in your home with some palo santo.
  • Make sure you set your intentions this month when it comes to your career path.

Darling Venus enters mysterious Scorpio on October 8—it’s quite an intense combination for a planet and sign. Charming Venus in the sign of death and birth finds you in quite a serious mood about who you let into your life. You're craving closeness and comfort, and intimacy is a top priority for you. Venus in Scorpio also finds you wanting to bring more beauty into your home, and you're thinking about redecorating. An unexpected change comes as Venus opposes Uranus on October 12. If you’ve been feeling bored, this will bring the spark you’ve been waiting for! You're ready for adventure, especially as the full moon in Aries lands on October 13. A conversation that's been building will finally come to a climax under the light of this full moon. A lucky energy flows as the sun (your astrological ruler!) connects with lucky Jupiter in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, bringing blessings to your love life and generally finding you feeling creative, excited, and free! October is an intense month, but it's not without its benefits.

  • If you’re redecorating, spruce up your bathroom or bedroom with a beautiful new mirror.
  • Add some greenery to liven up your home—just make sure you get the right plant that will thrive in the amount of light you have in your space!
  • Now’s the time to take that trip you’ve been dreaming of and eat all the delicious food that city has to offer.

Aside from major ego clashes and possibly manipulative maneuvers that you’ll have to deal with at work or as you run errands due to the sun’s clash with Pluto on October 14, mid-October brings some fantastic opportunities for you to network and get things done. Mercury connects with taskmaster Saturn on October 14, creating a perfect vibe for strategizing projects at home and taking care of your personal wellness. Mercury also connects with dreamy Neptune on October 15, encouraging an empathetic atmosphere for communication. Mercury's connection with Neptune creates an atmosphere that’s perfect for you to dive deeply into your spiritual practice, to practice forgiveness, and to talk through whatever's been weighing you down. October 19 continues to be a great day for communication as Mercury connects with Pluto, bringing you the information you've been looking for—it's a wonderful day for research. Venus also makes some good moves, connecting with Saturn on October 20, inspiring an energy of support. The planet also connects with Neptune on October 21, creating a whimsically romantic atmosphere—it’s a fantastic day to fall in love!

Scorpio season begins on October 23, finding the sun shining on the home and family sector of your chart. But on October 25, your focus shifts to passion as Venus connects with Pluto, inspiring a sexy, and even kinky, vibe! Watch out for short tempers and blocks in communication as Mars clashes with Saturn on October 27; however, this day also brings the new moon in Scorpio, which starts a new cycle for you around home and family. This is a wonderful time to energetically cleanse your home and connect with your ancestors. Your ruling planet, the Sun, opposes Uranus on October 28, finding you itching for change and freedom—a break in routine is coming. A more social energy flows as Mercury meets Venus on October 30, making this a perfect time to invite people over for dinner and entertain in your home.

Mercury retrograde begins on October 31, which finds you rethinking many of the plans and ideas you've had this month through November. Mercury is the planet of communication and commerce, so during its retrograde, watch out for miscommunication and delays, don't make important purchases, double check your belongings as you travel, be mindful about your schedule, and avoid signing contracts. Now isn't the time to start new projects, but it is a special time for revisiting the past. You may find yourself feeling especially nostalgic, running into people from your childhood, or reconnecting with family. Make time to unwind: Mercury is the planet of the mind, and yours has been busy this month! Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in November!

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