Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, October 2019

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Astrologers dwell on your nurturing homemaker qualities, but dear crab, that’s not all there is to you: You’re a passionate lover, a tenacious entrepreneur, and a creative force. Yes, you love baking pies, but that’s not all you do all year long! You do plenty else…but Libra season is indeed the best time of year to focus on your domestic interests. As the sun moves through Libra, it illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your home, family life, your past, ancestors, and early memories. You’re being called now to focus on your personal life and, in true Libra fashion, to open lines of communication, seek compromises, and beautify your personal spaces.

October opens on a very intense note as sweet Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, bringing up issues concerning jealousy, obsession, and even manipulation. This is an important time to get real about any shady behavior taking place in your personal life and relationships and to bring in an unbiased third party to witness you detangling yourself from people who are being psychic vampires. Pluto rules the underworld, and as it clashes with Venus, the planet of beauty, things aren’t always pretty, but that doesn’t mean you have to go through changes alone.

An important shift in your relationships takes place on October 3 as Pluto ends its retrograde, shining an important light on the power dynamics in your partnerships. It’s time for some relationships to end and for others to transform or even be resurrected and renewed! The mood is heavy, but creativity is flowing as communication planet Mercury enters Scorpio on October 3. Mercury in Scorpio finds you exchanging flirtatious messages, as well as attending parties and having intriguing conversations that inspire you to pursue your creative interests. Action planet Mars enters Libra on October 4, boosting your energy to tackle projects concerning your home, whether you’re moving, remodeling, or reorganizing. Mars in Libra will also inspire you to take a direct approach in issues concerning your family—it’s time to confront issues and find compromises! Luckily, strategic Mars in diplomatic Libra is great at doing just that.

  • Add a little intentional and fun ~drama~ to your next get together with friends by playing this game of “Who in the Room?
  • If you’re moving or just want to refresh your living situation, this wooden diffuser can help bring in new energy to your space.
  • If those flirtatious messages with a cutie at a party turn into a sleepover, this little kit will make sure that you’re ready for a sexy and safe time.

Surprising news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 7, especially concerning your social circle. Unexpected drama takes place due to contrary opinions and, frankly, boredom. The sun clashes with Saturn in Capricorn on October 7, creating stress in your personal life and in your relationships. A feeling of rejection and restriction is in the atmosphere, but romance flows as Venus enters fellow water sign Scorpio on October 8. This is a creative, fertile time for you, dear crab. Venus in Scorpio is a fantastic opportunity for you to party and have fun, make love, create art, and enjoy life.

Unexpected drama arrives again on October 12 as Venus opposes Uranus. You're simply done with whatever in your life doesn't give you that spark of inspiration and passion; you're craving freedom, want to experiment, and are ready to cut ties with anything or anyone who is holding you back.

The full moon in Aries arrives on October 13, bringing attention to your career and public life. A culmination is taking place in a career goal, or a climax is being reached in a situation concerning your reputation or popularity. If you've been doing good work, the spotlight may fall on you as you receive rewards and recognition. On an emotional level, this full moon finds you asking if you're passionate about your goals and has you considering what you want your legacy to be. Full moons are an important time for release, and an exciting project you've been working on may now be shared with the world. Or, you might find that the tension of this full moon forces you to reconsider your work/life balance. Luckily, during this lunation, the sun also makes a helpful connection with Jupiter in Sagittarius—if you reach out for help, someone with the right resources may be able to come to your assistance!

  • If you’re struggling to find a healthy work/life balance, read this advice from a few entrepreneurs to see how their approach.
  • Enjoy a cozy cup of moon milk during this lunation. A teaspoon of butterfly pea flower powder will turn your drink into a lovely shade of blue!

Mercury makes a helpful connection with Saturn on October 14: It's a great time to organize plans and discuss commitments. Mercury's flexibility and Saturn's wisdom combine to create a productive atmosphere, especially in your relationships. But that same day, the sun clashes with Pluto, which means you may have to deal with some terribly big egos—watch out for power struggles!

Empathetic communication flows on October 15 as Mercury connects with Neptune in Pisces, and you’re getting amazing research done and having deep conversations that cut to the root of an issue on October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto. Venus makes a helpful connection with Saturn on October 20, making for another lovely day for plans and commitments, and for you and your partners to talk about what's important to you. That said, this isn't the most affectionate atmosphere: Things get way snugglier when Venus connects with dreamy Neptune on October 21, creating a whimsical atmosphere for love and creativity!

Scorpio season begins on October 23 and finds the sun shining on the sector of your chart that rules celebrations and joy. A fantastically sexy energy flows on October 25 as Venus connects with Pluto—it's a profound time for deep connection and intimacy! But things get tense on October 27 as Mars clashes with Saturn, creating a restrictive energy and finding people in a grouchy mood. Although things are feeling more difficult than usual, October 27 brings the new moon in Scorpio, which begins a new cycle in your love life and creative endeavors. While you might feel exasperated on this day, it's also a lovely time to create a quiet space for yourself to reflect on what you want from your love life and intimate relationships, as well as to imagine where you want to take things with your art. You're ready to cut off connections and go in a new direction as the sun opposes Uranus on October 28. You need change and absolutely can't have your creative voice or sex life stifled.

A more easygoing, social energy flows on October 30 when chatty Mercury meets charming Venus, making this a fantastic time to party. Mercury retrograde begins on October 31, which will find you rethinking many of the plans and conversations you've had this month throughout November. Mercury retrograde brings miscommunications and delays, so don't be surprised if some of your dates get rescheduled or you miss a few parties you were excited about. Avoid signing contracts, making important purchase, traveling, or starting new projects as Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, meanders backward through the zodiac. Instead, make time to relax or pick up a project you had to put on the back burner. You may also find yourself connecting with a lover from the past! Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in November!

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