Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Weekly Horoscope: September 7 - 13

The sun harmonizes with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, on Wednesday, September 9, at 12:03 PM and there is a forward push with optimism and faith that our choices are righteous. The sun in Virgo likes to look at the smaller details, while Jupiter typically glazes these things over. Hopefully this is a synthesis of the best of both worlds.

Mars retrograde begins on Wednesday, September 9, at 6:22 PM. Mars retrograde only takes place once every two years, which is why you may have heard astrologers making a big stink out of it. Mars is the planet of aggression, sex drive, and general action, and while it’s retrograde, these pursuits can be misdirected, or we may feel like we have less energy to initiate things. Take time to catch up with all the things that you were so excited to begin over the past few months of Mars in Aries—go back and revise, redo!

The sun faces off with dreamy Neptune on Friday, September 11, at 4:25 PM, like some lemon juice cutting through grease. This aspect can help us to see how we’ve been overly idealistic or where we haven’t been showing up. Once we realize the ways we’ve been slacking, we can catch up.

Jupiter ends its retrograde on Saturday, September 12, at 8:40 PM! Now that the planet of growth and expansion is moving in forward motion once again, we are trying to return to normalcy in things that Jupiter rules, like education, travel, religion, and jolly times at bars. Consider the ways things have been slowed down in the past few months—this can mean we’re trying to open back up, knowing what we know.

All times ET.


You are making forward motion in your career, but you may be feeling energetically tired as your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, begins its retrograde period. The sun harmonizes with Jupiter, and you are hopeful that things are working out for you, however your mind does wander as the sun faces off with dreamy Neptune. This can help you identify the things in your subconscious that are creating road bumps in your productivity, as you reflect on abstract emotions that are hiding in the shadows of your subconscious! Mars retrograde is going to be a time when you can reallocate where your energy is directed. You don’t have time to get angry—life is too precious!


A Taurus is typically hard to annoy as they have thick skin and a lot of patience, but once they’re ticked off, they can be like a bull in a china cabinet. You need to be sure you mind your nerves over the course of the Mars retrograde period. Little things can set you off or not sit well with you. Find a way to deal with this extra energy healthily—exercise or an early bedtime could do it. This is a nice time for you to understand your relationships and friendships better as the sun harmonizes with generous Jupiter, encouraging you to be social and connect with people who can share funny ideas with you. You’re realizing things about how common trends are affecting your dating life as the sun faces off with trendy Neptune.


You’re making yourself at home in an opulent way as the sun harmonizes with generous Jupiter, helping you make progress on your domestic situation with faith that everything will work out in the end! Mars retrograde begins, and you can have some issues with social media and friend group drama over the coming months, especially if people don’t know how to behave themselves. Aggression can be misplaced, so know when to duck and when to fall back. You are finally seeing how people in positions of power can be putting on a show as the sun faces off with Neptune, cluing you into what roles to play in order to make the most of your success. 


The long awaited Mars retrograde begins! This bookends a new chapter in your career and public life, finding you going back on past goals and revisiting the things you wanted to do, but could never figure out how. Maybe you’re less motivated for some reason, or have found a different route to reach your goals. Be aware of your frustrations over the coming months, and try to direct them in the right way! You can tap into a greater understanding of your mission and spirituality as the sun faces off with Neptune, giving you some otherworldly messages and transcendent clarity. Jupiter, the planet of growth, ends its retrograde in your house of partnerships, helping you get better situated in your relationships and their pattern of growth.


All of the hard work that you put in, you see it pay off. Money is no object as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter, the planet of opulence, encouraging you to look at the greater picture, beyond the material plane. Mars retrograde begins, however, and you may feel a little frustrated when it comes to branching out and living large. There is a little less gas to go all the way, and you want to choose your battles wisely instead of firing at will. You can be rethinking how you act out your beliefs and getting in touch with your mission statement. This is especially true as Jupiter, the planet of philosophy, ends its retrograde, getting your head screwed on right when it comes to your daily routine and work.


You’re learning a lot about what you need to have mental peace in your relationships, both platonic and sexual. Mercury, your planetary ruler, harmonizes with power planet Pluto, and you can pick up on patterns in your social life that have brought you where you are now. Tuesday’s full moon lights up your house of relationships, and you can see the role that you play in your partnerships. The love that you give is always rewarding to you, even if it’s not reciprocated in a way that is totally apparent or legible. You can be feeling a little bogged down by your work responsibilities as Venus faces off with strict Saturn, but just know that you can make time for yourself whenever you want, even when the daily grind gets you down! You’re working for a reason.


Some hope and light comes seemingly out of nowhere and helps you out with issues surrounding your housing and family situation, as the sun harmonizes with lucky Jupiter. There are things you can’t see that will serve you well. You are optimistic that things will fall into place and work out as they must. Mars retrograde begins, and other people are going to be annoying and not know how to behave. Luckily, Libra, you know how to behave. You have the best manners of the zodiac, so lead by example, and don’t let petty people bother you. Remember that you’re the best. Jupiter retrograde ends, and you can finally have a better understanding of the ground that you’re standing on, having read the room over the past few months.


You have faith in your friendships and your politics as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter, the planet of optimism. You are sharing all of your ideas freely with your network, ready to take on the world with a little bit of organization and chit chat. Reaching out and being social is important. Your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, begins its retrograde, and you will want to have a strong team to help motivate you through any dips in your energy and momentum. Whenever you’re questioning yourself and your decisions, remember who you do it for and why. Sometimes waking up for work every day isn’t the easiest thing to do, but if you can remember the ways in which your work reaches your community, if you can remember the bigger picture, you’ll be set for months!


Finally some forward momentum! The sun harmonizes with your planetary ruler Jupiter, the planet of growth, and you can see the direction you’re headed with your income and your career. Jupiter ends its retrograde as well. While you’ve spent the Jupiter retrograde period reviewing your relationship to the material world, sharing, and how you like to treat money like no object, you’re ready to push forward all the wiser! You are recognized for how generous you are. Mars retrograde begins in your house of creativity, dating, and friendships, which can bring some drama in these areas of your life. Or rather, you can learn about people through their change in behavior. Mind your temper!


Things are all starting to make better sense, Cap. The sun harmonizes with Jupiter, the planet that signifies the greater picture, and you can get a deeper understanding of the direction that you’re headed. Over the past few months of Jupiter retrograde, maybe you stopped expanding so quickly, and instead decided to take inventory and double check to make sure that things weren’t too shaky. Now Jupiter ends its retrograde in your sign, and you can get ready to invest more in yourself and your future, without holding yourself back. Your personal freedom is important, and you need to be able to break out of your bubble without feeling scared. Things at home, however, slow down and become frustrating as Mars retrograde begins.


You are understanding the deeper mysteries of life, Aquarius. You typically like to know how everything works, its science and mechanics. The sun harmonizes with Jupiter, and you are comfortable with the mystery of not knowing. If anything it makes for funny jokes! The acceptance of the unknown is liberating. Mars begins its retrograde in your house of communication, contracts, and siblings, signifying some frustration in these areas. Be cautious of your word choice. Over the next few months people will be on edge, and you might say something that sounds a little aggressive and find yourself in some heated debates. Know when to pick your fights, because nobody has time for pettiness, and you will spare yourself a headache in the end.


There is a breath of freedom and release in your relationships as the sun harmonizes with your classical planetary ruler, Jupiter! You are able to see the greater trajectory of your partnerships, and how you want things to ultimately end up. You are hopeful and optimistic about the future. Jupiter retrograde ends in your house of community and friendships, finding you ready to build and grow in this area of your life. The more the merrier, Pisces. While Mars retrograde will find you a little financially frustrated, you can use this time to build up your ammunition, or to sharpen the knives that you already have. There is a lot to be grateful for, and this joy can only grow as it is shared and celebrated! Your mood and your beliefs really influence other people as the sun faces off with Neptune.

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