Monday, October 12, 2020

Weekly Horoscope: October 12 - 18

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, gently connects with psychic Neptune on Monday, October 12, at 3:06 AM, for the third and last time this year. This is one of the signatures of 2020, and has a sedating, optimistic effect. There may be eureka moments about what we believe in. Also on Monday, Venus gently connects with Mercury, the planet of communication, at 1:38 PM, helping us communicate affection and desire clearly and collaboratively.

The sun faces off with warrior Mars on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:25 PM, requiring us to reach a compromise with people who are misbehaving or acting like babies, but that’s what being the bigger person is all about! Mercury retrograde begins on Tuesday at 9:04 PM, but you’ve likely already been feeling things malfunction since Sunday or Monday. The times around Mercury retrograde’s beginning and end are the most frustrating, as the planet slows to an apparent stop. Mercury retrogrades bring delays and misunderstandings, but also opportunities to correct our mistakes.

The sun clashes with power planet Pluto on Thursday, October 15, at 6:14 AM, digging up the dirt on something juicy and behind the scenes. The sun in Libra wants justice, and asks that we take action to address greed and corruption. This can also agitate manipulative behaviors, so take time to think about other people’s intentions, and if they’re aligned with yours.

There’s a new moon in Libra on Friday, October 16, at 3:31 PM. Get to understand how you are in control of your relationships—they’re a two way street! Feel free to give more love than you’re receiving, because it feels good, not because you’re holding it over someone’s head.

On Sunday, October 18, the sun clashes with Saturn, the planet of structure, at 9:57 AM, which can feel like a defeat. Sometimes standards are simply too high, but the fact that you’re trying does count for something. Later, at 10:48 AM, love planet Venus faces off with Neptune, which can lead to confusion or fantasy. While we imagine the best, we are also forced to grapple with reality.

All times ET.


After living under incessant pressure from higher-ups, you can finally get a peaceful moment to yourself. Lucky Jupiter connects with Neptune, the planet of transcendence, offering you optimism if you’re ready to take the high road. Try to look at the bigger picture and find peace and acceptance there. The sun faces off with your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, and you’re going to have to make a compromise. Just because things aren’t going your way doesn’t mean you’ve lost. Mercury retrograde begins in a financial sector of your chart. Pay attention to missed payments during Mercury retrograde—hopefully you can finally get paid back, too! The new moon in Libra brings fresh energy into your relationships, romantic or otherwise. The sun clashes with Pluto and Saturn, and you’re ready to prioritize relationships that put you ahead of the curve.


It becomes easier for you to express your desires as your planetary ruler Venus gently connects with messenger Mercury. This is a nice time for socializing, going on dates, or just having discussions with your friends and partners about what you want. Mercury retrograde begins in your house of partnerships, so this one will affect your relationships, finding you getting a better understanding of others via misunderstandings and clarifications! Old partners come back into your life to check in. The new moon in Libra affects your work life and habits as it falls in your house of work and routine—a good time to quit or begin a habit. Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune, bringing a whimsical vibe to the weekend.


Your work and private life is going well as sweet Venus gently connects with your planetary ruler, messenger Mercury, making it easy to ask for things that you need at home. You have to ask for what you want in order to get it! Mercury retrograde begins, so expect delays and miscommunications when it comes to your job and daily schedule. Give yourself extra breathing room and buffers, as there will be technical errors and delays. The new moon in fellow air sign Libra falls in your house of relationships, flings, and socializing realigns you with what you actually find fun and pleasurable. This is a good time to meet new friends, or to invite new energy into your dating life.


It’s easy to believe in your relationships, and to have faith that you are meant to be with the people you are now. Jupiter, the planet of growth, gently connects with spiritual Neptune, finding you believing in soulmates. Relationships seem to have a higher purpose! The sun faces off with warrior Mars, creating some tension in your home and work life. Work takes the cake for now, but compromise is necessary regardless. Mercury retrograde in fellow water sign Scorpio can find ex flings and old friends back in your inbox. Be patient with your friends if they’re running late! The sun clashes with power planet Pluto and serious Saturn. The new moon in Libra brings a fresh start to your home and family life, something that has been a focus of yours since Libra season began.


As Mercury retrograde begins, expect delays in your home and private life. If you’re moving house or doing repairs, be sure to measure twice, and give everyone involved extra time and patience! You have a great deal of focus, even with the distractions happening, so stay on task! Rome wasn’t built in a day, so enjoy the down time while you have it. You could use some rest, considering how much you have been working lately! The new moon in Libra occupies a social, if not busy area of your chart, your house of communication and close acquaintances (also siblings, if you’ve got them). This is a good time to renew contracts and start important conversations.


You’re able to talk about what you want, if you want to, as Venus, the planet of desires, gently connects with your planetary ruler, messenger Mercury. Be brave and ask! As Mercury retrograde begins, give yourself extra time to get things done since there will be delays. Mercury will be retrograde in your house of communication, contracts, and commuting, so have more patience in these areas—bring a book. The new moon in Libra falls in your house of money and personal resources, making it a good time to take inventory and draw up a budget. Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune, bringing confusion, or fantasy, into your relationships.


Career stuff has been a little hectic, but you get a sense of peace when it comes to having faith in the bigger picture as optimistic Jupiter gently connects with tranquil Neptune. Trust the process, Libra. You’re fine with change, and this just makes it easier to accept. Your planetary ruler Venus connects with messenger Mercury, helping you find hidden resources if you ask the right questions to the right people. There is a standoff in your relationships as the sun faces off with warrior Mars. People are going to be petty and childish, but you still have to meet them halfway. Mercury retrograde begins and you are going over your finances trying to see if you can afford everything. You are aligned with your needs, however, under this new moon!


You are coming down from a social weekend, which can extend into the work week as sweet Venus gently connects with messenger Mercury, making all social interactions pleasant and easy. Send out invitations now! The sun faces off with your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, which is still retrograde, making things a little tense at work. You need more rest, but things are malfunctioning, making it hard to find common ground. Infamous Mercury retrograde begins in your sign, finding you rethinking things and possibly going back on your word. Think about how you have grown, mentally, and the direction you’d like to go in terms of mindset. The new moon falls in a secretive sector of your chart—a good time to do something witchy, or just catch up on your sleep.


Your planetary ruler Jupiter gently connects with dreamy Neptune, giving you faith that things will work out financially, or at least distracting you from any hardships or stress that you’ve been experiencing this year. Sweet Venus gently connects with messenger Mercury, encouraging you to share sexy secrets. Mercury retrograde begins in a secretive sector of your chart, giving you new perspectives on things that you don’t have all of the information on to begin with. It's a good time to parse through your thoughts and do some meditation. The new moon falls in a social sector of your chart, giving you a new understanding of your community and how you want to participate in socializing moving forward. Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune, bringing whimsy into your career.


You’re not typically a happy-go-lucky person, Cap, but generous Jupiter gently connects with dreamy Neptune, giving you a high dose of optimism. Take this as a psychic painkiller that helps you move through 2020’s discomfort, with the faith that something greater is taking place. You can also be the person that helps people get through stressful times, offering a wider perspective to others and being an intuitive, good listener. The sun faces off with warrior Mars and you are seeing tension in that work-life balance. This time life wins. You have things at home that require your attention. The sun clashes with power planet Pluto and serious Saturn, and you are being asked to step into a position of authority.


Mercury retrograde begins in fellow fixed sign Scorpio, bringing delays to your professional and public life. Mercury retrograde is always a time of delays and frustrations, but you’re going to have to just be patient. It’s possible that old job offers and projects that you have put down in the past are ready for your attention once more, which can be exciting. Conversations may seem to regress, but this is for a reason. The new moon in fellow air sign Libra will bring you fresh ideas and a new perspective on intellectual matters. There is a lot to talk about, and a lot you want to share. This can be a new writing project, or a new plan for travel!


This week feels pretty magical. Jupiter, your traditional planetary ruler, gently connects with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, bringing a higher faith in what the future has to offer and how you can participate in it. Of course this can be overwhelming—everything feels like so much all the time—but try to build a raft and float up with the flood. Venus connects with messenger Mercury, making it easy for you to share your desires and have an open conversation with your partners, romantic and otherwise. Mercury retrograde begins in fellow water sign Scorpio, and you are refining your beliefs and deleting old posts. The new moon falls in a sensitive sector of your chart, signifying an important transformation.

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