Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, October 2019

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Libra season is the cutest time of year for you, Gemini: The sun is lighting up the sector of your chart that rules flirtation and romance, creativity and fertility, and celebration and parties! But at the beginning of the month, there will be some intense energy for you to work with when Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, in Capricorn. As these two planets clash on October 1, a shadow is cast on the effervescent atmosphere of Libra season as you contend with issues concerning jealousy, obsession, and manipulation. Something that was just supposed to be fun has become very serious and maybe even overwhelming. Ask for the space you need: Take note of who tries to overwhelm your energy at this time and call in a third party to help mediate and keep things transparent. After all, people can be on their worst behavior when they think no one is watching.

On October 3, Pluto ends its retrograde, stirring up fears of the unknown. It's not like you to worry about change or the future, which you usually embrace, but we all have insecurities from time to time, and this is an important moment for you to reach out to people who can support you. Big emotions come to the surface: Stay present with them, feel them in your body, and remember to exhale. A special transformation is taking place in your life! You're watching things fall apart this month, but Gemini, you will also see them get rebuilt—this time, they’ll be even better than they were before.

Your ruling planet Mercury also enters Scorpio, the detective of the zodiac, on October 3. You’re finding yourself doing a deep dive into topics you've been eager to research, as well as organizing your office and work spaces and crossing off items on your to-do lists. Mercury in Scorpio is a busy time for you when it comes to running errands and making appointments, and this is a powerful day for you to create a change in your habits. Action planet Mars enters fellow air sign Libra on October 4, boosting passion in your sex life and finding you energized to focus on your creative projects. Mars in Libra means you will be partying hard, but Mercury in Scorpio will ensure you get to your meetings on time!

Your ruling planet Mercury opposes wildcard Uranus in Taurus on October 7, bringing unexpected changes to your schedule. You may find yourself more exhausted than usual, so try to keep your plans flexible and give yourself extra time to rest. Limitations are set on October 7 as the sun clashes with taskmaster Saturn in Capricorn, and it's an important day to be your most mature self. While Libra season is a flirty time of year for you, October 7 isn't a warm or affectionate day, so plan a fun date for another time. Love and money planet Venus enters Scorpio on October 8, bringing blessings to the sector of your chart that rules routines and rituals. This is a lovely time to treat yourself to a spa service, even if it's just a DIY face mask. Just avoid beauty treatments on October 12 when Venus opposes Uranus—surprises, of the good and bad variety, will pop up! Emotionally, this day will also stir up some unexpected feelings for you. You're craving freedom and flexibility and don't want to be locked into a schedule or routine. Geminis easily find cures for boredom due to your curious nature, but at this time, you're especially itchy to break out of your routines.

A climax that has been building in your social life takes place on October 13 with the fiery full moon in Aries. This is a great full moon to connect with communities and causes you are passionate about, and a lucky energy flows as the sun makes a helpful connection with generous Jupiter, bringing good vibes to your relationships. Full moons are emotional periods, but this one is especially productive for connection. Make time for wish-making during this full moon. Some old wishes may be coming into full bloom at this time, while others are being forgotten. Either way, connect with your sense of hope and wonder about the future as the full moon in Aries finds you fully embodying the part of yourself that values process and is inspired by possibilities.

Mercury and Saturn in Capricorn work together on October 14 to help you hammer out plans, but control issues abound as the sun clashes with Pluto—bring in a third party to help mediate again. A passionate energy is flowing, but not everyone is being their best selves. Fortunately, a more empathetic energy flows around communication as your ruling planet Mercury connects with creative Neptune in Pisces on October 15. This bodes well for your career, too! Your imagination is flowing and it's paying off. Secrets are shared as Mercury connects with Pluto on October 19, and Venus makes a helpful connection with Saturn on October 20, which will bring support, even if it's not the most affectionate energy. Venus connects with Neptune on October 21, bringing a whirlwind of romance; this time also bodes especially well for your career as you dream up fantastic ideas that impress your coworkers, higher-ups, clients, and fans!

Scorpio season begins on October 23, finding you fully focused on your day job, wellness routine, and responsibilities. Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, making for a sexy—and even kinky—atmosphere. However, some insecurities are worth addressing now, and recognizing and accepting something is the first step toward moving past it! Mars clashes with Saturn on October 27, creating a restrictive energy—it's not an easy day for play and people are in a grouchy mood. At the same time, October 27 brings the new moon in Scorpio, which will begin a new cycle in your daily schedule, both in terms of your day job and your wellness regime. This is a great time to reimagine what your daily routine could look like.

As things are in flux, don't nail down any plans just yet: October 28 finds the sun opposing Uranus, which will bring a change in plans and find you breaking free from some responsibilities that don't make sense for you to carry on any longer. A more social, easygoing energy flows as Mercury and Venus meet on October 30. The end of the month, October 31, marks the start of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Again, this means that your plans and schedule will continue to be up in the air: Many of the agreements, decisions, and dates you set during October will be reconsidered and reworked during November, thanks to the retrograde. Avoid travel, signing contracts, starting new projects, or making important purchases during this time. Delays and miscommunications abound! Still, this is a great time to relax and step back from work or, if you really must, to pick up a project that was previously put on the back burner. Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in November!

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