Monday, August 31, 2020

Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, September 2020

Welcome to Virgo season, Pisces! This is an exciting time of year for your partnerships as the sun lights up the relationship sector of your chart, finding you meeting new people and connecting with your partners on a deeper level. You’re very intuitive, Pisces, and it’s usually easy for you to empathize with what people are experiencing any time of the year, but during Virgo season, the cosmos presents your partners’ points of view in unique ways. Virgo is your opposite sign—you’re a dreamer and Virgo is down to earth, but you and Virgo have something very special in common. You both have the capacity to become amazing healers and you’re both passionate about helping others, making Virgo season a lovely time of year for establishing mutual support in your partnerships. 

Deep conversations take place on September 1 when Mercury in Virgo connects with power planet Pluto in Capricorn—meetings with powerful people are also likely to take place! A climax concerning a situation that’s been brewing in your relationships occurs on September 2, thanks to the full moon in your sign. You simply have to get your feelings off your chest, and you’re releasing baggage around relating that you’ve been holding on to for far too long. Boundaries are a major theme of this full moon as Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn, but communication breakthroughs take place as the sun connects with electric Uranus in Taurus. Communication planet Mercury then connects with Saturn on September 3, helping you make solid plans and commitments. You may have to reject someone or say no to something you want to do—or perhaps someone may say no to you—during this full moon, but exciting risks are taking place and supportive energy is flowing as Mercury and Saturn make a harmonious connection in the sky. 

Flirty energy flows on September 4 as Venus clashes with Mars and mingles with Mercury, which also bodes well for creativity and productivity. Mercury enters Libra on September 5, helping you discuss topics you typically would be afraid, uncomfortable, or unsure of, such as intimacy, debts, and taxes, and getting closure or saying goodbye. Venus enters Leo on September 6, inspiring you to sort through and update your wardrobe, as well as to rethink your beauty routine. Your routines in your relationships are on your mind too as Venus in Leo helps you and your partners sort out schedules. 

Lucky meetings take place on September 9 as the sun connects with your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Capricorn. Also on this day, Mars begins its retrograde, asking you to slow down your spending and encouraging you to reconsider your approach to wealth and security. This period may find you changing how you accept payments from others and how you save and invest your wealth. A confusing energy flows on September 11 as the sun opposes Neptune, so don’t make any important commitments just yet—let yourself rest! A feeling of ennui, and possibly even some paranoia, may be in the air. Don’t believe everything you hear, but remember that nothing lasts forever, including this confusion. 

Your ruling planet Jupiter ends its retrograde on September 12, finding you stepping into a new period of expansion in your social life. You’re also meeting with powerful people on September 14 as the sun connects with Pluto. Venus clashes with Uranus on September 15, bringing unexpected news and reminding you how important it is to be open-minded and to take risks. Freedom is an important theme right now, and if you’re in a situation where saying what you want feels difficult, Venus’s clash with Uranus will help you break free from those dynamics.

The new moon in Virgo arrives on September 17, marking the beginning of a new cycle around relating and partnering. Mercury also clashes with Jupiter and the sun connects with Saturn: Small talk is set aside for big, juicy ideas, and solid partnerships are forming. Saturn is all about responsibility, and its influence on this new moon portends supportive relationships that will benefit and uplift you in the long term. Hidden information is revealed on September 21 as Mercury clashes with Pluto, and you’re exploring intimacy on an even deeper level with your partners as Libra season begins on September 22. Serious conversations take place on September 23 as Mercury clashes with Saturn, but watch out for impatience and arguments as Mercury opposes Mars retrograde on September 24. A shift around communication takes place as Mercury enters fellow water sign Scorpio on September 27, bringing you news from abroad. Mercury in Scorpio is all about looking at the big picture: What is your purpose? What do you believe? Travel and education are also big themes at this time, but connecting with people far away or studying may take place remotely as we continue addressing COVID-19 globally. 

Easy energy flows as Venus mingles with Mars retrograde on September 28, boding well for productivity: If you ask for help, you’re likely to get it! Saturn retrograde ends on September 29, activating the sector of your chart that rules your social life. Your commitments to the communities you belong to are also highlighted on this day as Mars retrograde clashes with Saturn, finding you reconsidering which groups and causes you want to invest time, energy, and money into. 

Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in October!

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