Monday, August 31, 2020

Weekly Sun Horoscope: August 31 - September 6

Messenger Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto on Tuesday, September 1, at 6:41 AM, bringing a deeper understanding of things that were once secret or occult. Be sure you want to know the answers to the questions you’re asking, because once you find out, there’s no turning back!

There is a full moon in Pisces on Wednesday, September 2, at 1:22 AM, signaling an emotional release. But intense full moons are also a time of full visibility, when you can totally scope out the current landscape. Also on Wednesday, love planet Venus faces off with commitment planet Saturn at 8:17 AM, which has us reviewing our romantic commitments in a practical way. There can be disappointments if you and your partners aren’t willing to make compromises. A few hours later, at 10:09 AM, the sun harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, helping us find a practical resolution to all of life’s current uncertainty! Promises are being made or broken in the face of all that’s chaotic.

On Thursday, September 3, Mercury harmonizes with Saturn at 3:22 AM, helping us better understand our commitments and restrictions. This is a good time to talk about your responsibilities or to get a greater picture of your general duties. Conversations about contracts flow easily.

On Friday, September 4, Mars clashes with Venus, the planet of love, at 5:12 AM. There needs to be an awareness of, and a channel for, any sexual frustration. We are going after what we want, to say the least. We will be able to talk about what we want as Mercury, the planet of communication, gently connects with Venus, the planet of desire, at 4:31 PM on the same day.

After a short stay in the sign of its rulership, Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra on Saturday, September 5, at 3:46 PM. While Mercury is in Libra, conversations and ideas about art, diplomacy, and commerce fare well.

Venus, the planet of love, enters sunny Leo on Sunday, September 6, at 3:21 AM. Venus in Leo is a time to try out popular trends and go with the crowd. Sometimes, it’s not so bad being trendy!

All times ET.


Tuesday’s full moon shows you where you’ve been slacking, Aries. You always face whatever challenges life throws your way, but sometimes it’s good to take a break. It’s likely that you’ve been slacking on self-care and meditation. There is stress in your private relationships as serious Saturn faces off with sweet Venus, creating tension between your responsibilities and your private pleasures. Still, you are going after what you want head-first, as always, as your planetary ruler, Mars, clashes with Venus. And in the coming weeks, as Mercury moves into your relationships sector, you will be less busy with work and learn a lot more about other people.


You’re learning a lot about your obsessions and how these fixations control your ideas about relationships as messenger Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto. Learning about other people’s secrets can make you feel more intimate with them. The full moon in your friendships sector shows that you are getting to know people in your community on a deeper, more vulnerable level. 

Your planetary ruler, Venus, faces off with serious Saturn, and you can be a little worried about your ideas being rejected. Have faith that whatever you put out there will lead you to something great, as long as it’s communicated with compassion. The sun then harmonizes with Uranus, and you are excited to express your truth—no matter how strange it is.


You’re getting a deeper sense of other people’s paranoia and how those defense mechanisms subconsciously shape the conversations you’re having as your planetary ruler, messenger Mercury, harmonizes with secretive Pluto. You are digging up extra clues at this time. 

The full moon in your house of fame and career puts you in a place where you can sit back and be proud of all the work you’ve done. You are finally getting some recognition for the things that you provide! You are also making financial commitments that help you find domestic security as Mercury harmonizes with responsible Saturn. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters fellow air sign Libra, and you are exploring ideas around art, friendships, and romance for the coming weeks. Have fun!


Conversations lead you to a deeper understanding of people’s defense mechanisms, fears, and weaknesses as Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto. When you see people acting out of pain, you have to treat them with compassion. The full moon in fellow water sign Pisces reveals something about your worldview and how you can use your sensibilities to help heal others. You can choose to change your mind. 

As Venus faces off with cold Saturn, it can be easy to see people’s shortcomings and what they are no longer able to provide because of their other commitments. Respect the boundaries that others put up and feel free to draw some of your own as you honor your own needs and desires. You’re too busy to chase after things that aren’t even that gratifying, anyway.


You can see how much money is out there for you to go rake up, Leo, under the light of Tuesday’s full moon. The money’s not going to come so easily and you’re going to have to put in the work if you want to see results, but that’s OK. Maybe another shift or gig will get you where you need to go. This weekend, you’re making all the phone calls and emails that you need to get you there as Mercury enters your communication sector. You will also have aesthetic Venus in your sign giving you a helping hand over the coming weeks and picking the perfect interview or photoshoot outfit. Whatever it is you choose to do, you work really hard, dear Leo, and you can use that to your advantage! Talk yourself up—you have the receipts to prove that you deserve as much money as you do.


You’re learning a lot about what you need to have mental peace in your relationships, both platonic and sexual. Mercury, your planetary ruler, harmonizes with power planet Pluto, and you can pick up on patterns in your social life that have brought you to where you are now. Tuesday’s full moon lights up your house of relationships, and you can see the role that you play in your partnerships. The love that you give is always rewarding to you, even if it’s not reciprocated in a way that is totally apparent or legible. You can be feeling a little bogged down by your work responsibilities as Venus faces off with strict Saturn, but just know that you can make time for yourself whenever you want, even when the daily grind gets you down! You’re working for a reason.


You’re realizing things about your current living situation that can be kind of worrisome as messenger Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto. If you can let go and allow things to go the way they should, you will have a lot less stress. The full moon brings something to fulfillment in your lifestyle and work commitments. You’re seeing what’s on your plate, so use this information to determine if you’re overcommitted or not. You can use your authority and standing to reject things that are not your cup of tea as Venus, your planetary ruler, faces off with Saturn, the planet of high standards. Mercury enters your sign for the coming weeks, so walk your talk!


You know something that nobody else knows, dear Scorpio. What you do with this information is entirely up to you, but messenger Mercury harmonizing with power planet Pluto can put a devilish smile on your face. Use this power for good! 

The full moon in your house of dating and friendships can have you feeling completely aware of what you need to be fulfilled in your closest relationships. This can also bring an important creative project to a certain stage of completion. You can have a hard time balancing your own mental hang-ups and your desire to grow and branch out as Venus faces off with serious Saturn. You are dedicated to learning more before taking a leap forward. Let your dreams guide you toward your weirdest relationship goals as the sun harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of the unconventional.


You’re making mastermind money moves as messenger Mercury harmonizes with resourceful Pluto! You have people in your pocket who can give you access to deep wells of resources. The full moon illuminates your house of home and family, bringing your domestic life to full visibility. Under the light of the full moon, you can see everything that’s supporting you—and it’s a lot to be grateful for. Don’t let greed or stinginess get in the way of feeling like you can’t be your true, generous self as sweet Venus faces off with conservative Saturn. There’s a balance to be struck, sure, but you work hard so that you can cut loose. Exciting invitations come in the mail over the coming weeks as messenger Mercury enters your party sector, so have fun!


Pay attention to the messages that you’re sending, Capricorn. It says more about you than it does about them. Messenger Mercury harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of psychology and obsession. Can you hear yourself talking? With some reflection comes a powerful breakthrough. 

The full moon illuminates your house of communication and commitments, finding you seeing all of the contracts that you currently have and how they can be tweaked to better cater to your needs. Venus, the planet of love, faces off with your planetary ruler, Saturn, and you can make an honest assessment of how much you can commit to other people and relationships right now. Though you tend to lean toward the conservative side when it comes to giving yourself away, at least you’re being honest.


Pay attention to the things that bring up jealous, nasty mental patterns and ugly thoughts. As messenger Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto, you can get a better understanding of your fears and work through them by recognizing what they are and letting them be dissolved by forgiveness. The full moon illuminates a sector of your chart that deals with finances, self-worth, and self-esteem. Try to refuel on self-love and check-in with yourself so that you can better support yourself through any uncomfortable moments. Mental health check-ins are easily facilitated as Mercury harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of structure and your planetary ruler, which encourages you to talk about the things that not everyone sees. You’re onto brighter mental horizons as Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra.


By getting to know other people’s fears, you can get a stronger grasp of your future. Messenger Mercury harmonizes with power planet Pluto, and people are ready to spill the beans. You’re going to learn some insider secrets. The full moon in your sign is a good time to recognize how your relationships are affecting your moods and energy levels. You can lead by example, showing people how to be a good friend and lover, but sometimes there are people who you need to swim away from. There is a little harsh reality that you’re dealing with as sweet Venus faces off with cold Saturn across your chart’s axis of social dynamics. Not everyone is going to have the same standards as you—are you willing to make a compromise? Check in with yourself before you answer.

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